An Affair of Honor

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Lady Whistledown POV 

In a town filled with ambitious mamas and fortune-hunting gentlemen, marrying above one's station is an art form, indeed.
But Miss Adelaide Waters advance from future duchess to possible princess is an achievement that even this jaded author must applaud. Though this author cannot dismiss the Duke of Windsor quite so soon. He may have let the diamond slip through his fingers for now, but I shall wager he is not a man to ever hide from a fight.

Adelaide POV 

Well here is somewhere I never thought I would be. A boxing match after Anthony had dramatically forced me to come with him to see the prince.

"There's your prince now. With your fancy well in hand, I shall make myself scarce for the final blow." Anthony says as he moves away from me and I spot the Prince walking up to me 

"Miss Waters, I am delighted to see you here today, though surprised. Though I asked your brother to bring you so we could spend some time together, I admit I did not hold much hope. Most ladies I have met cannot seem to reconcile their delicate sensibilities with the brutality of fights." he says letting out a small smile. I see Cole from across the boxing ring staring at me. 

"You must have no sisters, Your Highness, if you think most women delicate and mild. A trip to the modiste during a silk shortage would disabuse you of such notions for good." I comment looking back at the Prince

"I suppose I have much to learn, then. I would appreciate your expert tutelage if you would join me." He says holding out his hand to me 

"Addie" I hear Simon yell from across the room and I see him standing next to Cole who now has crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows while Simon was smirking next to him 

"Miss Waters?" the Prince asked looking at me with a confused look on his face I smile 

"Of course. I would be delighted." I say 

"Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats! The match is to begin!" someone says and the Prince pulls me with him 

"Watch him" I hiss under my breath as the Coles man takes a swing at the Princes man 

"Fear not. My man is made of sterner stuff." The prince says squeezing my hand a little I look to see Cole screaming and rolling up his sleeve. My breath hitches and I feel something in my stomach he looked so good and I felt my body just wanting to be next to his 

"You must tell me, Your Highness, do you miss your homeland? I have never been to Prussia, but I have read of its beauty." I say trying to distract myself from my thoughts 

"It has attractions, to be sure. That said, I attended school here in England, and I have often thought there is no better place to live,
or to raise a family. Uh, forgive me if I am too forthright, but you have a great affinity for your family, do you not?" he says pulling his eyes away from the fights 

"I do. They are the dearest thing in the world to me. Are you close to yours?" I say 

"I grew up with many cousins running underfoot and I believe I should like the same for my children one day... if my wife were amenable, of course." he says and I smile before looking back at the fight 

"Go on, Mondrich! Focus, Mondrich! Get your wits about you!" Cole yells from across the room and once again our eyes find each other 

"Go on, Gillespie! Plant a facer!" I scream back but in the next few seconds the princes man is knocked out cold and I feel a giggle rise in my throat. Cole raises an eyebrow at me from across the room and I realise it's my time to leave. As I arrived home I was surrounded by Lady Bridgerton, and the Bridgerton sisters. 

"Anthony took you where?" Lady Bridgerton cries

"He kept close watch the entire time" I say smiling at her to stop her from worrying 

"It does not matter. A boxing exhibition is no place for any young lady." she says pulling me into a small hug. 

"Is it a place for a prince? Was he at today's match, Sister?" The youngest Bridgerton states 

"He certainly was." I smile

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