Swish- Part 2

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Adelaide POV

"Apologies, Lady Waters" the maid says as she accidentally grabs a knot my hear 

"So you kissed him? Cole?" Daphne says widening her eyes 

"Yes I guess we did. And what's wrong with Cole?" I ask turning to look at her 

"No nothing he's incredibly attractive  I just didn't think he was one to settle down" Daphne says giggling

"Oh as if you're one to talk" I say as she blushes as the maid giggles behind us 

"Well, our activities are quite... spirited. I admit, I did not even know it was possible. I believed his physical inability to have children would preclude him from..." Daphne says 

"...causing such difficult entanglements?" I say and all three of us let out a laugh 

"Yes." The maid giggles 

"I am quite glad to say I was wrong." Daphne states raising an eyebrow suggestively. Later that day I was forced to head to some town event with Cole and the newly weds 

"What is the prize for the winner?" I ask curiously watching the pigs in the pen 

"Why, slaughter, of course." A towns boy responds 

"Oh" I reply and look back at Cole who snorts before looking away 

"As the duke has granted me the honor of opening our village fair with this contest, it is after careful consideration that I have decided... that all three pigs have tied! I hereby decree every pig such a winner that none should be slaughtered." Daphne says and I hear a man face plant next to me and I realise that Daphne must've made a mistake as I look up from the pigs I see a beautiful man with the darkest hair staring at me and when we shared eye-contact he gave me a small wave but I feel Cole nudge me 

"I Suggest you stop looking at the commoners" he says and I turn to see his face set stone cold

"And why would that be? Are you jealous" I whisper and his cold face turns into a frown 

"By all means lower yourself to their level" he hisses 

"God you're a dick" I hiss back before walking away from him as I storm away I hear something crying and somehting grabs my dress I look down to see a young child clinging onto me 

"There, there, child. No need to cry. All is well." I say picking her up "My! You have a strong set of lungs. They shall hear you all the way in London." I say as I hear her start to calm down 

"If not all the way to France." A male voice says and I turn around to see the dark haired boy who couldn't be much older then me 

"Oh, I must apologize, Your Grace. My sister has just discovered her own voice and likes to use it as often and loudly as she can." he says bowing down and I shake my head 

"I'm not a Duchess just Adelaide" I say holding out my hand which he grabs to shake

"Nice to meet you Adelaide I'm Dylan" he replies and he holds out his hand to take the child back 

"This right here is My sister Ada" he says and I hold out my hand to hers which she shyly grabs 

"Nice to meet you Ada" I say and he smiles 

"You're very pretty" he says observing me and I feel myself blush 

"Thanks you're very handsome as well" I reply and I watch as he opens his mouth up again 

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