An Affair of Honor- Part 2

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Adelaide POV

Shit. This is it. Somebodies going to die. Anthony had just left for the duel and Daphne had gone off somewhere and I felt myself becoming sick to my stomach. 

"Addie" a voice screams from the dark 

"Cole" I scream in a panic seeing him running towards me it was still dark outside and the sun was yet to rise. I pick up my dress and start to run to him when we're finally close enough I throw myself at him and begin sobbing against his chest 

"Shit are you ok?" he asks pressing closer to me and I push myself away from him before I start hitting his chest 

"Are you mad? Am I ok? Am I ok?" I yell "You're friends or my basically brother are about to die" I say finally stopping my abuse on him. 

"I know" he says running his fingers through his hair 

"Daphne disappeared like ten minutes ago and I think she's going to find them" I breathe out 

"Shit" he says again looking very much panicked 

"We need to stop them" I say

"I know" he responds covering his face with his hands 

"Well then tell me where they are" I say and he sighs before looking back at me 

"Fine follow me" he says grabbing my hand and I have no choice but to follow after a second I pull my hand away from his 

"Wait we aren't friends" I say meanly and he lets out a frustrated laugh before we stop infront of a horse. In a second he grabs my chin in his hand he turns me and presses me up against a tree, his frame presses against mine I feel my breath become heavy and my cheeks flush. His face has now turned perfectly calm and a hint of amusement sparkles in his eye

"What did you say princess?" he says with a smirk and I try and push him back but he doesn't move 

"You have no Idea what I want to do to you right now" I sneer still struggling to get him off of me his head suddenly dips down and he presses his lip against my shoulder as he takes in a big breath 

"You have no idea what I want to do with you right now" he says in a raspy voice 

"We need to go our friends are dying" I say in a high pitched voice but honestly I wouldn't mind just letting my friends die and seeing where this would take us when I snap back to reality he's looking at me with a smirk 

"Something on your mind Addie?" he says 

"Just how I'm meant to get on the horse" I state and he sighs before picking me up by my waist and throwing me over the horse before climbing up behind me. By the time we arrive to where Simon and Anthony are they are already getting their guns out. Simon looks at Anthony for a second 

"For what it is worth, I am sorry." he states and I see the anger morph over Anthonys face 

"Your apology is worth nothing to me." Anthony all but growls Cole jumps off the horse as it comes to a stop and he starts running towards them. I scream as both men take steady paces before turning around and shooting 

"Daphne!" I scream as I see her horse get between the two men and the bullet flies towards her instead of Simon the original target and I throw myself off the horse and begin running Cole is the first to reach her and he shakes her a little 

"Oh, good God. Are you hurt? Tell me!" I say as I finally reach her 

"I am perfectly well, no thanks to you idiots." she says pointing towards Anthony and simon 

"You rode into the middle of a duel!" Anthony cries 

"I require a moment with the duke." she states 

"Daphne..." I start in protest 

"I require a moment with the duke." she says snappily and I let her walk away 

"Make it brief." Cole states rolling his eyes and I give him a glare he sighs in frustration before walking away and I storm up to Anthony 

"What the fucks wrong with you" I say attacking him

"What do you think Adelaide If someone finds out then her reputations dead and so is yours, and mine and our sisters" he says frustrated 

"Anthony you idiot they were seen. Cressida Cowper witnessed them in the garden. She knows. It is not merely Simon that hangs in the balance now. If you kill him not only will be ruined because of that but also because you shot a man Anthony" I say angrily but Anthonys eyes go blank for a second 

"Did you not hear me? Someone knows what they have done, someone who will surely talk. What possible reason would you want to fight him now the only way they will fucking be able to survive is if they marry" I state but I don't get to say anything else as Simon comes up to us 

"Sha'll we continue?" Anthony says 

"No" Daphne and I both say at the same time

"We must resume before someone should find us." Anthony says again 

"There will be no need to resume. The duke and I are to be married." Daphne states. O shit. I guess it's wedding time. 

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