17. Trick-or-treat

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What the three of them are wearing:)
And I know Conner is not wearing a costume!
We started walking down the street with a bunch of little kids running around with their parents yelling for them to stop.

I looked over at Conner who still had Sky in his arms. I had to admit they were adorable together. She was talking to him and he was smiling and replying to whatever she was saying.

I was pulled out of my staring when I felt tugging on my hand. I looked down to see a teary eyed Taylor.

"Mommy I scared" she cried while holding her hands up. So I bent down and picked her up setting her on my hip and she instantly calmed down.

"Bradley and Violet are you two okay?" I asked and I saw them holding hands and swinging them back and forth.

"Mommy I'm a big boy I don't get scared like baby Taylor" Bradley said while still swinging his hand with Violet.

"I'm not a baby!" Taylor wailed and I rubbed her back to keep her calm.

"Bradley apologize right now" I demanded.

"I sorry sissy" he said and I really didn't care if it was sincere or not it seemed to stop Taylor from crying.

"Elena we are getting eyed by some hotties over there" May said while nudging me and I looked over to two guys who looked slightly younger then us.

I smiled at them and apparently that was there sign to move in on us.

One had light brown hair and emerald green eyes and the other one had blonde hair and grey eyes.

The one with green eyes approached me.

"Hey I'm Ryan and I just wanted to say your sisters and brothers are adorable" he said while looking at Taylor.

I almost burst out laughing at him. Really that was his way of trying to pick me up.

"Hi I'm Elena.." before I could say anything else Ryan cut me off.

"Elena means light,right?" He asked while giving me a wink and I was about to answer when I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

I looked up to see Conner still holding sky but she was now laying her head on his shoulder.

"Ready to go babe?" He asked while smirking at the guy who looked flustered.

"Yeah let's go" I said grabbing violets hand.

"May are you ready?" I asked her and she nodded quickly.

"Well tom one day I'm going to have to see your beanie baby collection" she said then walked over to me and have me a thankful look.

As we were walking away I whipped my head around and yelled to Ryan.

"By the way these aren't my brothers and sisters there my children" and with that we walked out of sight.

"Ew he was so gross Lena" May exclaimed as we were walking.

"He told me he has a collection of over 200 beanie babies can you say freak" she said. And I just laughed.

"Thanks for saving me conner" I said turning to him and he just nodded.

We arrived at the first house and stayed there for about ten minutes because the elderly woman would not stop going on and on about how adorable my children were.

We made to about 15 houses before Sky had fallen asleep in conners arms and Bradley started throwing a tantrum.

I picked him up while setting Taylor down but she wasn't having any of that and started crying so May took her into her arms and Taylor immediately calmed down and laid her head on Mays shoulder.

Once I calmed Bradley down he fell asleep almost instantly.

"Violet are you ready to go home?" I asked while holding her hand.

"Yes mommy" she responded and she sounded exhausted.

I assumed they hadn't gotten a nap today and that's why they were all so tired and If reading my mind May said they hadn't gotten there nap.

We slowly made our way back home not being in any rush that was until Violet started crying because she didn't want to walk anymore so I went and was about to pick her up when Conner swooped in and got her first.

"Conner you don't have to hold her" I said trying to get her back but he just shook and his head.

So that's how we walked back home, Sky and Violet both asleep in Conners arms,Bradley asleep in my arms and Taylor barely holding on to consciousness in Mays arms.

When we finally arrived home we all walked upstairs to put the kids to bed I rushed to put Bradley in his bed and then took Violet from Conners arms and took her to her room.

After I checked all the kids I headed downstairs while taking my Mario hat off because it had clips in it that was hurting my head.

I walked in the kitchen to see May getting her purse and keys she looked ready to bolt and then there was Conner sitting on a stool drinking a beer.

"Lena I love you but I gotta go it's almost 7:30 and I have to be at work at 8:30 so.." she said not knowing what else to say.

"May it's completely okay thank you for helping with the kids today" I told her while hugging her.

"Anytime" she responded while shutting the front door.

I turned back ready to face Conner but ran right into a rock solid warm wall. I stepped back and looked up to see Conner looking down at me.

We just stared at each other for a while until Conner broke the silence.

"I'm gonna do something" he whispered.

"Wh.." I was cut off by his soft plump lips being placed on mine.

It took me a minute to respond but when I did it was like fireworks. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my fingers into his hair.

I was to caught up in the kiss that I didn't notice Conner pushing me backwards until my back hit the wall behind me.

I moaned when he lightly yanked on my hair and then he broke the kiss and I whimpered.

He  just laughed but then turned serious and I stopped smiling.

"Go out with me?" Was all he said.

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