36. Its a..../4 months Pregnant

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I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was in a hospital room and a big one at that.

I looked around and saw Will asleep in a chair with Theo asleep next to him. I smiled a slight smile because I could see my brother was finally happy.

"Oh good you're awake" I snapped my head to the door to see a older looking nurse smiling at me.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"About a day" she said and I smiled in relief until I remembered my baby.

I placed my hand on my stomach and I saw the nurse follow my movements.

"Don't worry sweetheart your baby is fine but I'm going to get the doctor to explain everything to you" she smiled at me and then left.

I heard movement so I looked over to see Will rubbing his eyes and shaking off sleep. His eyes met mine and he rushed to my side.

"Lena how are you? How do you feel? Do you need anything? Water? Food?" He rushed out and I let out a small laugh.

"Slow down Will I'm fine and no I don't need anything." he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"You scared me sis,I look over to see Conner catching you right before you cracked your head off the ground" he said with a slight frown on his face.

"Where's Conner? Is dad okay?" I asked in a panic after I realized I hadn't even thought of Conner or my dad since I woke up.

"Now it's your turn to slow down" he chuckled and I glared at him.

"Conner went home to get the kids so he could bring them to visit dad and dad is fine,he's in the room next to yours watching 16 and pregnant" he laughed and so did I because sad had a really weird obsession with that show.

"That's good and when Conner gets here I want to see my kids" I told him sternly before swinging my feet over the side of the bed.

"Hey where are you going?" Will said while grabbing my shoulder.

"I have to pee is that okay?" I asked while raising an eyebrow and he nodded.

He let go of my shoulder and went and sat down next to Theo who was still passed out. Before I went into the bathroom I saw Will grab Theos hand and I smiled.
After I had peed and washed all my makeup off since it was starting to irritate my face I went back and laid in bed. Then the doctor came in and started talking to me but I said no because I wanted Conner to be with me.

"Lena you should have talked to the doctor" Will told me while giving me a disapproving look.

"No this is his baby too so when he gets here I'll talk to the doctor" I said while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine" Will said giving up and at that exact moment the door burst open and in ran two little bodies. Then Conner entered carrying a sleeping Taylor and Bradley.

"Baby hey how are you feeling?" He asked while setting the sleeping children on the couch that was in the room. He then walked over to me.

"I'm fi.." I was cut off by a loud gasp filling the room.

Me and Conner both looked over to see Sky and Violet climbing on Theo but Theo looked absolutely terrified before realizing who they were and relaxing.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked with a smirk.

"Fine until I almost had a heart attack" he said still breathing heavy.

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