31. Explanation

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I cannot believe Nina is leaving the vampire diaries! I'm so sad now!
We just stared at each other for what felt like hours.

"What?" We asked at the same time.

"You go first" Conner said and I nodded.

"I'm pregnant, now it's your turn" I gave him a sugary sweet smile and he gave me a sarcastic smile.

"Nice try baby" I huffed at him.

"Okay well apparently in Virginia we conceived a baby because once we came back I was sick all the time and I thought I had food poisoning or something so I went to the doctor and they told me I was pregnant" I said smiling and rubbing my tummy.

"So my baby is in there?" He asked pointing at my stomach.

"Yeah our baby is in here" I said and he pulled me into a kiss.

I pulled away first because he was getting a little to carried away with the kiss.

"Stop distracting me" I said with a smile and grumbled.

"Why do you want me to move in with you? I mean we haven't been going out that long" I said with a little laugh and he smiled before it turned into a frown.

"I hope you don't hate me" he whispered and I got very confused.

"Why would I hate you?" I asked grabbing his hand,in return he squeezed my hand.

"Do you remember when Mr.Rein came out of my office and we were talking about a project?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well that project is tearing down all the houses on this block and putting in a few more office buildings to expand his business" he said then let out a breath of air.

My world froze.

My home was going to be torn down, the house where the triplets took their first steps and said their first words, the home where I encountered a bunch of things was going to be torn down and never seen again.

"Say something please" I heard Conner say and I looked at him.

"When?" I asked.

"Anywhere between a month and a year" he said while rubbing his thumb against the top of my hand.

I blew out another big puff of air.

"Okay" I said and he stared at me.

"Okay what?" He asked and I gave him a small smile.

"Okay the kids and I will move in" he quickly pulled me into a hug and I smiled into his chest.

"So let's come up with baby names" he said excitedly when I pulled back from the hug. I giggled at him.

"No" I said simply and he pouted.

I stood up all the sudden and grabbed his hand. He have me a confused look.

"I'm tired and ready for bed" I said and then gave a big yawn.

"Okay time to get my two babies to bed" I smiled at the 'two babies' part.

I then led him up the stairs and he quickly stripped down to his boxers while I took his shirt and put it on.

Then we both laid down and slowly fell asleep.
I was starting To wake up the next morning when I heard my bedroom door squeak open and a head of short blonde hair came in, I instantly knew it was Bradley.

I felt him slowly climb into bed at the foot of the bed and then snake his way up so that he was under my arm.

I then felt Conner shift and move his arm so it was wrapped around both me and Bradley.

I sighed in content and let myself fall asleep again.
The next time I woke up neither Conner or Bradley were in bed and I could smell bacon.

I quickly jumped out of bed and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Conner flipping pancakes in fancy ways and all the kids sitting at the bar watching him with fascination.

"Well look who finally decided to show up" Conner said with a smirk while still flipping pancakes.

The kids didn't even turn to me or say anything because they were to interested in watching Conner.

I heard the front door slam and then in walked a smiling May.

"What's up baby mama?" She asked and then bumped her hip with mine and then put her hand on my flat tummy.

"You told her!" I looked up to see Conner looking shocked.

"She had no choice since I took her to the doctor" May said then walked towards the bowl of cut up fruit on the counter and grabbed a strawberry slice.

"I still can't believe shes having a baby with you but she did pick a hot baby daddy" I laughed at May because even though she wasn't a fan of Conner she still thought he was hot.

"Mommy whats a baby daddy?" Taylor said while turning towards me.

"Um well babies I guess I can tell you since this does involve you"

They all looked at me in curiosity.

"Daddy and I are having a baby so you all will have a little brother or sister" I said and all of their faces lit up with excitement.

"Mommy can you get a brother? I want a brother" Bradley said while looking up at me with his big blue eyes.

I laughed and smiled.

"Baby bear I can't decide that I'm sorry" I said and he shrugged his shoulders.

I happened to catch the time on the clock when I was helping Conner hand out breakfast and I gasped.

"Conner were late for work!" He chuckled.

"No baby I called both of us off" he said then leaned in and kissed my temple.
Later that day Conner and I decided to sit the kids and May down and tell them about the move.

"So we have some big news" I told them all and they all looked at me expectantly.

We decided instead of telling the kids that the house was getting torn down that we would tell them we were moving because of the baby.

"Babies, we will be moving in with Conner since it's easier with the baby" they all sat quiet for a minute before all different reactions spurted out of them.

"No!" Cried Bradley before he ran over to me and climbed in my lap pushing his tear stained face in my neck.

Taylor and Sky were very happy and started asking Conner a bunch of questions like if they would get their own room.

Violet went over to May and sat in her lap resting her head on Mays shoulder with tears filling her eyes.

May didn't show any emotion really she just held Violet and let her cry.

I gently rocked Bradley and looked around the room at my family.

I didn't know if I should have felt happy or sad since half of my children were sad and the other half was happy.
I didn't know how to end this chapter so...

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