41. Fighting/ 9 months pregnant

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Elena's bikini>>
I could tell I was slowly dying.

It was about ninety-five degrees today and I was melting.

Everyone was miserable from the heat. I knew everyone was because they were all getting on each other's nerves. Conner was fighting with all the kids and the kids were fighting with him and each other which almost never happens.

"Skylar stop leaving your toys everywhere" I heard Conner yell from the living room so I quickly waddled there.

I found both Conner and Sky standing facing each other with their arms crossed. They both were glaring at each other and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not picking them up" Sky said with a challenging look.

"Yes you will young lady or you'll be in timeout" before they got into a screaming match I intervened.

"Sky pick up your toys and then we can go swimming" I told her and she gave me a giant smile.

"Okay mommy" she said happily While turning back to Conner and giving him a look before going and picking up her toys.

When she was done she ran out of the room to go get dressed even though I knew she couldn't do it by herself.

"Elena did you really have to undermined me in front of her?" He asked angrily.

"Conner seriously grow up I was trying to not cause a fight between you and her" I said then stomped out of the room.

I went to Skys room to see that she had her swimsuit top wrapped around her head.

I walked in and helped her get it on. After it was on her properly she hugged me and told me she loved me.

"Baby go wait with daddy while I get your bothers and sisters ready" she nodded and ran out of the room.

I quickly made my way to everyone's room and got everyone dressed in their swimsuit. They all ran down the stairs with me screaming at them to not run. Luckily I had my swim suit on underneath my dress so I didn't need go get dressed.

I made it the the living room only to see Conner sitting on the couch still pouting.

"Are you going to swim with us Conner?" I asked and he didn't look at me or talk to me.

"Fine have fun acting like a two year old" I said while opening the door, letting the kids and dogs out.

I quickly grabbed the kids water wings and walked outside.

"Babies come here" I called since they were chasing the dogs around. They all stopped and then started running at me it was difficult but I managed to kneel down on my knees and put the wings on the kids.

"Okay remember stay by the stairs" I reminded them since they had already been in the pool multiple times and by the stairs was the shallowest part.

They quickly nodded and then started running towards the stairs.

"Don't run" I yelled and all of them immediately started walking.

After I watched them all safely get into the pool I tried standing up but I couldn't do it. I kept trying but I just couldn't lift myself up. I started to get worried until I felt a pair of hands hook underneath my arms and pull me up.

I turned around and saw Conner who was pouting. I quickly kissed his cheek because even though he was mad at me for intervening with his disciplinary skills he wouldn't watch me struggle and I loved him for that.

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