Pet Killer(Sapnap)

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Yooooo it's Sapnap! This is a Dream SMP AU imagine, so I'm using Sap's Minecraft skin in this imagine.

Also, did I let my friend turn me into a Sapnap simp? Yup

Also, did I let my friend turn me into a Sapnap simp? Yup

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I placed another flower in front of the tiny grave. I smiled briefly at the sign on the tombstone that read:

RIP Daisy the Fox
Gone too soon from this beautiful world

"Hope you hopped your way down the rainbow bridge, sweetie," I said, and then I turned away to go inside my house. My cats Leo and Gemini brushed up against my legs and let out little meows.

"Hey, cuties," I giggled, picking up Leo. "I'll go get you guys some food soon, okay?" They meowed, as if they responded with a "Yay, food!" I went into my tiny kitchen to search for cat food, and then the back door opened.

"Hey, hey, Y/N!" I smiled and turned to see Sapnap, his white headband and shirt stained with dirt, a new knee rip in his black jeans.

"Had a fun day, did we?" I asked. My boyfriend flashed a smile and untied the headband.

"Yeah, Dream and George wanted to spar. Guess I got the short end of the stick." I shook my head with a smile as Sapnap pulled me into a kiss. We pulled away and he sat on the kitchen counter as I kept looking for the cat food.

"So, what did you do today, baby?" Sapnap asked. I sighed as I shut the cabinet.

"I went to look for sweet berries but didn't find any," I answered. "When I came back, though, I found that Daisy was dead." Sapnap's eyes went wide and frowned.

"Shit, I'm sorry, baby. Daisy was a great pet." I nodded as I sat next to Sapnap on the counter.

"I'm not sure what happened, but I think the pet killer got her. But who the hell would want to kill pets?" Sapnap shrugged and hopped off the counter, putting his hands on my hips.

"Don't worry about it too much," he said. "You've got Leo and Gemini still, so they'll keep you company." I smiled a little, and Sapnap softly kissed my forehead.

"I'm gonna take a shower," he said in a low voice, and I grinned, kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go see Niki and Fundy," I whispered as he kissed me back. He smiled and told me to have fun and be safe, and as I left the house and put a saddle on my horse Biscuit, I felt my heart flutter. That man never ceased to give me butterflies.


I angrily put Biscuit back in the stable when I got back from Niki's house. Fundy and Niki had told me that their fox Fungi was killed, and Niki's fish were stolen. To me, it sounded like the same person who killed Daisy, and even though Sapnap told me not be worried, I was still angry after what Fundy told me:
Sapnap was the pet killer of the Dream SMP.

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