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Yayyy! I'm adding Punz to the book! This is the only idea I could come up with, so I'd appreciate some ideas!

Yayyy! I'm adding Punz to the book! This is the only idea I could come up with, so I'd appreciate some ideas!

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"Alright! I'm all set up!" Punz clapped his hands together and turned towards me smiling.

"You're so cute when you're excited," I said, and Punz leaned over to kiss me. I giggled and pushed him away as he took my hand and pulled me over into his lap.

"You're not getting away that easy, sweetheart," he said. "It's time for your speedrun." I sighed and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Luke and I had been talking about another joint speedrun stream, but last time I tried it, I failed miserably.

"Luke, I don't know if this is gonna go well," I said hesitantly. "Remember what happened last time?"

"I know," Luke replied. "But I'm gonna be right here and I'm gonna help you. Besides, you're not trying to break any records. This is just for fun."

"Well, you never know," I teased, earning me a kiss on the cheek.

"That's my girl." Luke started the stream and put on his hand cam only. After cycling through his starting stream playlist at least twice, he shot me a smile and began the stream.

"Hey, chat! In case you haven't seen the title of today's stream, I'm being joined by a special guest, my beautiful girlfriend Y/N." I waved my hands under the hand cam excitedly.

"Hi friends! What's up?" Luke chuckled, and since chat couldn't see, he planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Alright, chat, we're speedrunning today, but Y/N gets to go first and show me her skills." I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off." Clearly, that wasn't exactly the right answer since Luke replied with squeezing my thigh, which he knew got me flustered. Before he go any further, a dono popped up to tell us to stop flirting and we burst out laughing.

"Okay, let's calm down and start this speedrun shit," I said and put my hand on the keyboard and mouse. I started up Minecraft and waited to create a new world and pulled up the timer. I felt Luke wrap his arms around my waist and gently squeezed before I started.

"You ready?" he asked.

"As always," I replied.

"Atta girl." With that, Luke pressed "Create New World", and once the world loaded, the timer started and I began my run.

"You're cool with this biome?" I smirked at his question and kept sprinting, jumping up and down trying to spot a village. Luke noticed my silence and leaned back in pleasant surprise. Luckily, there was a village among the trees, and I quickly started ransacking the houses.

"Are you trying to pull an Illumnia?"

"Hell no," I laughed. "Just doing what any speedrunner would." I quickly collected two stacks of bread, an iron sword, pickaxe and axe, a third of a stack of gold and some apples, then I made short work of the Iron Gollum, collecting enough iron to make a bucket and a flint and steel.

"How much time?" Luke took a peek at the timer, which I hadn't looked at since I was too involved in the run.

"You're ten minutes in, babe," Luke replied. "Jesus, when you get so cracked at the craft?"

"Don't distract me," I said teasingly as I collected some water in my bucket. I knew I wasn't breaking any records and I really was enjoying myself, but the best part was seeing the look of shock on Luke's face at how good I was doing. Another ten minutes passed, and I had managed to get lava and obsidian for the nether portal and I smiled as I hopped into the nether. I immediately spotted gold nuggets to mine and I pulled up my crafting bench to turn them into gold ingots.

"Trading time," I muttered to myself as I sprinted to find piglins. After trading with them for over ten minutes and getting nothing good except for a gold sword and chest plate , I gave up and started looking for endermen in order to get pearls.

"I need those pearls, chat," I said without thinking. "This is always the hardest part for me." Along the way, I mined more gold and I suddenly realized that I was all set to make it to the end portal except for Eyes of Ender. I looked over at Luke, who was watching me in amazement with his arms folded behind his head.

"What the actual fuck, Y/N," he muttered. "What the fuck?" I giggled as I sprinted over to the Endermen I spotted. I soon got more than enough pearls for getting to the End. I checked my coords for getting back to the nether portal and sprinted back. I briefly checked the timer, and it now read thirty five minutes.

"We're popping off," I said. Now back in the overworld, I darted back into the forest and pulled out my pickaxe.

"That gonna work?" Luke asked, immediately catching onto my strategy.

"Only one way to find out," I answered, and I began to dig down. Five minutes passed, but it felt like fifty. Finally, the dirt and stone blocks gave way to an open room, the fortress where the end portal wasn't far away.

"Holy shit! I got it!" Luke laughed in disbelief and wrapped his arms around my waist again, squeezing me excitedly. I immediately placed the Eyes in the portal, and once the sparkly black void popped up, I jumped in. Once I was in the End, I pulled out my gold sword with my beds and bow and arrows handy. I sprinted around the columns and took out the crystals one by one until the dragon was flying around unprotected. I sprinted past the blanket of death magic and started hitting the underside of the dragon until finally, the dragon health bar was gone.

"Oh my god!" Luke shouted. "Babe you actually did it!" I let out a deep breath as I went back to the overworld. I exited out of the world and took my hand off the mouse.

"Yeah, I actually did," I said finally, seeing my time was 57 minutes. "That was fun."

"Y/N, I'm so impressed," Luke answered. "But how the hell did you get so cracked."

"Well," I said sheepishly. "I may or may not have been practicing a little bit during your Valorant streams with Sapnap." Luke glanced at me in complete shock and chuckled.

"You never fail to amaze me, sweetheart." I giggled and kissed him before he started his own speedrun.

"How are you gonna compete, Punz?" I teased. Luke rolled his eyes and squeezed my thigh again as we smiled at each other.

"Sweetheart, you're not the only one full of surprises."

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Eeeeeeee! I'm kinda vibing with this one, not gonna lie.

As always, let me know if you have any ideas for imagines. It'll mean a lot.

Stay poggers, muffinheads!

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