Quiet Voice(Sapnap)

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This is one of those imagines that randomly popped into my head. It's sort of inspired by The Equalizer, but we might not get quite as violent(part 2, if you'd like). You can thank me later if you enjoy it (lol).

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The bell to the diner door rang as I quickly walked inside. I didn't give a shit about how late it was; the diner was my comfort place.

"Hey, Y/N." I flashed the owner Sam a small grin.

"Hey, Sam," I said. "What a fucking night."

"Yeah, it's rough out there, kiddo," Sam replied as he handed me a cup of coffee and a slice of the diner's apple pie.

"Thanks, Sam." I sipped my coffee and swiveled around in my counter seat. The regulars of the hour were already here: Cara and Hannah from the hospital, Tommy and Toby from the cab company, and Dylan and Noah from the construction company. However, in the corner table by the front window, there was a new customer. He wore a grey crewneck shirt, black jeans and a black baseball cap. He didn't even look up as the diner door opened up; he kept his gaze on the book he was reading.

"Who's that guy, Sam?" I asked. 

"Not sure," Sam replied. "He came here last night when you weren't here. Seems like a pretty chill guy. Maybe you should talk to him." I groaned and took another sip of coffee.

"Please, do not try set me up, Sam. That's not your job, it's my sister's and Niki's."

"I'm not setting you up; I'm trying to get you to make friends." I scoffed and ate some pie. I put down the fork and grabbed my bag.

"Fine, Sam," I said. "I'll talk to him." Sam saluted me and went back to cleaning the counter. I got up from my chair and slowly walked over to the new guy.

"Seems like a good book you've got there." The guy lifted his head and I saw his face light up in a smile.

"Yeah, it's pretty good," he said, his voice a little quiet, calming. "All The Light We Cannot See. I had to read it in high school a long time ago and never fully appreciated it until now." 

"I'm kind of a reading geek myself," I said to him. "Currently I'm into The Great Gatsby, and I don't know if I'm a fan of Daisy." The guy laughed and stretched out his hand in a handshake.

"I'm Nick. My friends call me Sapnap." I took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you, Nick." Nick grinned and pulled up a chair next to his.

"Wanna sit?" I smiled and slipped my bag off of my shoulder.

"I don't see why not." So I sat down, and I made a friend that night.


I opened the diner door and sat down at the counter. Sam slid a cup of coffee my way across the counter with a grin on his face.

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