Promise >Phil

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-An a agreement made by two or more individuals that cannot be broken.


     The grandfather clock struck midnight and it's sound signifying it echoed down the halls of the Grace Field plantation.

The boy could hear it even from where he stood way in the back of the forest. He wondered how that clock didn't manage to wake up everyone in the house. He place his hand on the cool concrete wall that separated him from freedom.

So, I'll have about two years, tops. Then I'll come for the kids under five.

It's been seven years. Why aren't you here Emma. You promised you'd come.

I can wait! Promise!

He couldn't wait, not anymore. He was twelve now. Tomorrow morning there would be no child left in Grace Field from the ones Emma and the others had left behind.

In the seven years Emma had been gone, Phil have been forced to watch exactly forty-two children be shipped out to heir deaths, every one of them under the false idea they were going home.

That was the part of all of it that had broken Phil. The hope and excitement in there eyes everytime they were about to be shipped. How happy they were at the fact there'd been chosen.

Phil watched everyone he'd ever cared about walk right out those wooden doors, never to come back. Eugene, Nyla, Marmie, ...Carol.


And he'd let them go.
Every. Single. Time.
Because he held on to that hope,that one day Emma would come back.
But she didn't.

Phil didn't know he'd been crying until it was to late to stop. He fell down to the Ground and sobbed.

Suddenly an arrow struck the ground a few feet in front of him. Phil halted his crying and stared at it, shocked.

He'd never seen an arrow in real life before. There was a string attached to it.
Phil stood up, he backed away from the wall and saw the string led to the top of the concrete structure.

No way, it couldn't be...could it?

A figure stood a top the wall and slid down the string, then landed perfectly on the ground, there back facing the twelve year old.

Two other arrows struck the ground as well and two other people slid down them.

"W-w-who...?" Was al Phil could manage out.

The first figure flinched, had they really not known he was there?

The person removed their hood and slowly turned around, the other two people stood of in the distance.

Phil couldn't believe his eyes.

He would've easily thought this could be anybody, but the wild orange hair and bright green eyes could give away who they were no matter how much they'd aged.


Emma's eyes filled with tears and they soon started falling like a waterfall. "Phil!" She cried and wrapped him in a tight hug."I'm so sorry!"

Phil couldn't hold back his tears he cried and hugged her back, despite his hatred for her not coming sooner.

She let go of him put kept her hands on his shoulders, "I know I'm late, Phil. I'm s-so sorry. I cant imagine everything you've had to go through!" She wiped her tears, but it was in vain they kept falling regardless. She took the brunettes hands in hers, "Tell me, everyone...? Are they..."

Phil hung his head and didn't respond.

Emma felt more tears coming by his reaction, how guilty she felt. Her poor, sweet Phil, was now so sad and broken. His blue eyes that would usually shine so brightly were now dull and lifeless. He looked like he hadn't  smiled that sweet smile of his in a very long time. She couldn't imagine how weighed down he felt, sending everyone off, knowing their fate. Just the burden she'd felt when Norman was shipped was heavy on her, she couldn't imagine that feeling times forty-two.
But that was what her sweet Phil was feeling, right now.

"Emma.", Ray put a hand on her shoulder. "We need to move now if we're gonna do this."

Emma nodded, "Right."

Phil looked at her surprised.

Emma smiled lightly, "That's right we're gonna get everyone out of here. Right now."

Phil sniffed, "Everyone?"

A certain albino came to Emma's side and smiled at him.

"Everyone." Norman confirmed.

Phil though he was seeing a ghost, but being as Norman wasn't transparent he realized he was really there, "Norman...." Phil then looked at Ray who smiled at him.

"Hey Phil."

Phil smiled slightly, feeling something he hadn't felt in over a year.


Emma stood. Her trademark determined face on. "Phil, I don't expect you to ever forgive me, and I know this can never make up for the lives lost but, will you help us all escape this time?" She held out her hand for him to take.

Phil looked at her,Ray, Norman, then back at Emma.

"I did promise didn't I?" He smiled and took her hand.


I know, I know!
Where are the Xreaders?!
I'm working on it....
My book Experimental [Lambda crew Oneshots] has some good stories...those or mostly x readers....heh heh
Ik i suck, you don't have to say it.

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