chapter 3

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3rd POV

/////During Breakfast///////

While everyone was eating and conversing Dimitri leaned over and began to whisper to his older brother Giovanni in their native language.

"нам нужно остерегаться ее братьев, особенно агрессивных'' ( We need to watch out for her brothers especially the agressive one)

'' это как-то связано с тем, что вы оба так долго находитесь на улице?'' (does this have something to do with you both being outside for so long?)

"да. Я объясню позже наедине'' (yes I will explain more later in private)

Giovanni simply nodded at his younger brother. Curious as to what he needed to tell him. He quickly tuned back into the conversation between his younger brothers and his new sister. He was excited when his sister agreed to play them something. He couldn't wait to hear how talented his sister was.

While the Bainchi boys were conversing among themselves and their new sister the Ricci boys were glaring at them. They were angry at the fact that they were spending time with THEIR sister. They also felt a bit of resentment at themselves for not knowing anything about their own sister. They had no idea their sister played piano.

//////After Breakfast/////

Everyone quickly excused themselves as the Bianchi boys followed their sister to where they assume she would play the piano for them. Meanwhile the Ricci boys stared at them in anger and resentment.

"Follow me guys I have a music room that was built into my room so I can play for you guys''

As the boys stepped into the room they couldn't help but awe at the room before them.

(pretend this is the wall behind her bed below)/\/\/\/\

(pretend this is the wall behind her bed below)/\/\/\/\

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(this is the wall across from her bed above/\/\/\/\/\)

(this is the wall across from her bed above/\/\/\/\/\)

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(Her personal music room below\/\/\/\/\/)

(Her personal music room below\/\/\/\/\/)

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