chapter 9

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3rd POV

There was chaos in the Bianchi-Ricci household.

After everyone had gone to their rooms Stefano had rounded up all the Bianchis in his room.

He hated the Bianchi brothers but he was out of ideas and desperate. His sister was going to be sent away in merely a few hours unless he figured out a way to stop his father.

"Ok so why are we here" the first to speak was the eldest Bianchi. Giovanni honestly just wanted to sleep. He was so damn tired.

"I need to tell you all something concerning Alessa."  He started.

" Ok first of all don't call her that. You don't have that previledge." Said the youngest Bianchi. Viktor had remained quiet until he heard Stefano call his sister the nickname they had made for her.

"Will you just shut up and listen?" Exclaimed the second Bianchi. Demitri was by far the most aggressive but he was soft when it came to his sister. Not that anyone would know.

Stefano sighed as he began telling them about what was going to happen. He told them about how his father was planning on sending Alessa to another mafia for the next 3 months.

After he finished explaining he could see the various emotions on each of the brothers faces. The most prominent was definitely anger. He could see the veins popping out of Giovanni's and Dimitri's necks. He had only seen them this mad the time Matteo left a bruise on Alessandra.

"Why in the HELL is your father such a dumb bitch?!" Questioned Nickolai. He has had it up to his damn eyebrows with the amount of bullshit this family has. He wanted to go to Andrews room and set it on fire. Preferably with him in it but he knew he couldn't.

Why the hell does he need to send her away anyways!?" Asked Viktor.

Stefano sighed. He and his brothers were all taught about the mafia once they turned 10. This was incase something happened to his brothers. They would all be prepared. Even Alessandra was taught. Father had other people train her though. He personally trained him and his brothers though.

"The mafia is very outdated." He began.

"They are the type to believe that women are property. Here to please men and that men are the superior in every aspect. It has been this way since it was started and hasn't changed since. Mainly because mafia leaders tend to be very cruel and gain a sense of power over owning people. It's a rare occurrence that a mafia isn't sexist. There has never been a female leader. There has only ever been 2 mafias that I heard of that aren't sexist. The Greeks and the Russians.
When leaders have daughters that enter their teens they begin looking" he explained.

"Looking?" Repeated Viktor in a questioning tone.

"Looking for what?" Asked Nickolai.

"Looking for a wife. Mafia leaders begin looking for a wife. They need heirs and they look at other mafias children. This is so they get and heir and sometimes so treaty's can be made. Of course we aren't just going to hand over the woman. They have trial periods. If their interested in another mafia child then they have to get permission from the father. The trial period is usually determined by the father but it's usually negotiated. If the father disagrees then it could lead to war. Which is why most of the time the father agrees. Which brings us to now."  Finished Stefano.

He hated how old fashioned the mafia was. They could have changed the rules but Mafia leaders tend to get a sick sense of pleasure of owing women. With the exception of certain mafias.

"So what your saying is a nasty ass old man took an interest in our sister who's not even legal to marry because he liked the way she looked or because he needed heirs." Questioned Dimitri.

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