Chapter 6

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////The next morning////

Matteo POV

I felt like shit. I couldn't get what Dimitri and the rest of them said about me out of my head. I hated that they knew more about my sister than I did. I had stayed up all night trying to figure a plan to get closer to my sister. In the end I came up with nothing. So I decided to just lay here in my bed until I came up with something. Pretty soon I heard what sounded like footsteps passing by my door. I knew it wasn't any of my brothers since there all lazy asses. Except Lorenzo but its six thirty in the morning. Lorenzo doesn't even get up this early. Then my thoughts flashed to what the assholes told me. I got up and snuck downstairs following the sound of what I though was pots and pans. I glanced into the kitchen and seen my little sister cooking. She looked like she was mixing something in a bowl. It looked like pancake mix. She was singing and dancing around the kitchen. She had an amazing voice and the smell that filled the kitchen made my mouth water. I stood wathcing her just lose herself in the music. She looked like the most care free person in the world. Like nothing could hurt her and for a minute I wished nothing would. Then I realized that the only thing hurting her was me and the rest of our brothers.

Soon she had finished cooking and I was still standing there. She turned around and seen me standing there. What happened next made me feel like my heart was shattering into a million pieces. I looked at her and I could see the fear in her eyes. She began rubbing her arm and I knew she was remembering what I did to her. I was angry at myself. I walked towards her but every step I took towards her she took one back. We did this until she was backed into the counter.

I hated that she was so scared of me. I tried to reach out towards her but she flinched back. Like she though I was going to hit her. I wanted to break down right there.

I gently grabbed her arm but she kept trying to pull it back. I rased her sleeve and seen the ugly bruise that Dimitri was talking about. I could see it was turning an ugly yellow. I could also see the outline of my hand. I turned to look at Alessandra. I was angry. I couldn't believe she didn't tell me.

"Why didnt you tell me?" I asked her. She just remained quiet. I guess she though I would get angry but I just wanted to know why she wouldn't tell me.

"Alessandra. Why didn't you tell me'' she still stayed quiet. I was begining to lose my patience. Before I could stop myself though I started yelling at her.

"Why didn't you tell me! I wont ask again. You had no problem telling your new brothers but you cant tell your real brothers.'' I guess this seemed to make her angry because she began talking to me in a harsh voice. I was supried. She never yellled at me.

"Why do you care Matteo!? Huh. You didn't seem to care these last few days. Yes I have new brothers but lets get one thing straight Matteo. They may not be related by blood but they are my real brothers.'' with that she snatched her arm out of my arm and stormed into the dining room. I followed her and was going to yell at her until I seen that the rest of the family was there. Alessandra walked towards her seat and sat between Viktor and Nicholai. I could see them glance at me and lean down asking her something. She just nodded and began eating.

I sat down next to Lorenzo and and began eating the food. I could see Dimitri glaring at me and I just smirked. That was until he cleared his throat and began talking kinda loud. What he said made me angry and it my turn to start glaring at him. He just smirked back at me like the little asshole he was.

"I hope your not nervous Lessa.'' this caught the attention of the whole family. Dad was the first to speak up.

"Whats going on. Why would she be nervous.?'' he questioned. I was curious too.

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