chapter 12

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Alessa PoV

Today was a great day. I was FINALLY going home. I had spent my final month in that dungeon. The guard had been reassigned so the wounds healed but they did scar. I had developed an insecurity about them.

Ethan still didn't know and since I was leaving I figured it didn't matter. I just wanted to go home and be with my brothers. I was getting dressed and packing up when a knock sounded in the air.

"Come in"

The door swung open to reveal Ethan and his brother who's name I learned was Ian. We got to know each other when he began coming by the dungeon with Ethan. We developed a love hate relationship and I thought if him as my gay best friend.

"Hey. I heard you were leaving us." Said Ethan.

"FINALLY" exclaimed Ian.

I laughed softly before responding.

"Well duh anything to get away from your gay ass." I said adding in an eye roll.

Ethan simply smiled at us both.

"Well since your leaving I figured I could give you a little present." He spoke and held up a charm bracelet. It has the letter A on it with 2 other charms. A book and a little music note.

It was beautiful.

"Thank you so much it's beautiful!!"  I said.

"You can add more on there but I figured if you visit every so often then I could add on to it for you" Ethan said. Almost embarrassed.

"I would love that thank you" I said. I couldn't help the blush that covered my face as I stared embarrassed.

I could see Ian pretending to throw up behind me and so did Ethan and so he stuck up his middle finger flipping him off. I just laughed at them both.

I was going to miss them. Especially Ethan and our talks.

(In the car ride.)

I softly played with the charm bracelet and smiled until I heard the slam of the brakes.

I would have flown out if not for the seatbelt I wore. I silently thanked Alexander for always lecturing me on the importance of wearing them.

I didn't have time to think before my door was swung open and I was pulled out of the car .

"Alessa!!!!!" Yelled Viktor.

"We missed you!!!" Screamed Alexander.

I couldn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes. I quickly enveloped my brothers in my arms as we all fell to the floor sobbing. I finally felt like I was at peace.

We quickly pulled away from each other as we heard the door open.

There he stood. My father. He walked towards me and opened his arms like he was expecting me to hug him. The nerve this man had.

"Alessa. I missed you." He spoke.

I just stood there staring at him. Then withought warning I threw my fist out.

"Omph" he grunted out as my fist made contact with his stomach. He doubled over in pain and looked at me his face turning red.

"Let's make one thing clear Andrew. From here on out you are no longer my father your simply a sperm donor."

"I tried a for years and you simply took advantage of my naiveness but no more. From now on I am no longer the innocent naive Alessandra Ricci."

I said in a strong voice. I turned to look at my brothers. Those who have been there for me through thick and thin. Then I turned to look at my biological father and brothers.

"From here on out I am and always will be Alessandra Bianchi. And I am strong and will not be stepped on." I spoke in a voice that commanded respect.

Then i turned to my brothers and we all walked inside and and made our way up to my room. I was surprised to find that it was as clean if not cleaner than the day I left.

"Alexander kept your room clean for you" said vik. Reading my thoughts.

"Thank you. I'm happy to be back" I said in a happy tone.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out in my room and just catching up. I didn't want to tell them about the scars.

We somehow decided to go for a drive. I made a joke that I just wanted to drive. Suddenly they all jumped up and made their way into their rooms.

"Um what are you guys doing ?" I questioned them.

" Pack a small bag were going on a road trip for a few hours." Spoke Giovanni.

I had to admit the idea of driving away for 5 hours did seem appealing.

Soon we were all packed and we're making our way to the car. After arguing about who was going where we decided to just drive straight.

Little did I know that this trip was going to change my life.

I AM SO SORRY. I haven't been updating. I have been so caught up in my school work and things. I also have published another book so go check that out and let me know what you guys think of it. Remember I love reading y'all's comments!!!!! Lots of love


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