Chapter Nine

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You wake up to sunlight coming through the curtains and the smell of fresh bacon and eggs the next morning. One of the boys had covered you with a blanket. Rubbing your eyes, you wander over to the kitchen.

"Morning Y/N. You hungry?" Yamaguchi asks and you faintly nod. "Don't worry, breakfast is almost ready. Tsukki is still asleep so try not to make too much noise, ok?" You nod and go to your room. You put on a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt, not caring too much about what you are wearing, as you didn't have any plans today.

When breakfast was ready, Yamaguchi woke up your brother and the three of you ate together. Afterwards, they explained the dynamics of training camps so you would be prepared. Then, Yamaguchi went home, so he had time to practice and pack, and Kei went to his room, packing and listening to music himself.

After lunch, Akiteru stopped by for a surprise visit. He helped make sure you were packed and stayed to make sure the two of you were ready of the challenges you would face in the next week.

Akiteru handed you a photo. It was a picture taken years ago. It was the three of you standing together. You were on vacationandwent to a theme park.  You remember taking the picture right after winning a giant stuffed dino for Kei, feeling so proud of yourself.

"Until recently, I thought this would have been the last day I would see you really smile. I'm so happy for you to have this chance and love it so much, and I'm sure you will make us and your team very proud." You hug him tightly, thanking him, and slipped the photo into your bag, not wanting to forget the day.

He left before dinner, but by then Kei had finished in his room. "Pizza night? I'll pay, but I don't quite feel like cooking." You jump up and nod. and he orders your favorite kind. While waiting for it to be delivered, your brother pulls out a picture of the Fukurodani team.

"They have two managers, and most of the team is pretty chill. The main guys we worry about are Akaashi and Bokuto." He points to them in the picture so you can identify them a little.

"Akaashi shouldn't give you much trouble, at least. He's calm and analytical, similar to Kenma on the court. The only problem is no matter where he goes, he is accompanied by their Ace."

Kei points to Bokuto again. "The Ace, or person who gets the most spikes, is often the strongest. Like Asahi on our team, but in this case, he is also super loud, energetic, and annoying. His mood swings frantically too, but you don't need to worry about that too much."

You nod, understanding what Kei was telling you. Just then, the pizza arrives and you push your brother too the door, seeing as it was hard to talk to a delivery man if your mute. He chuckles a little before opening the door and you race to the kitchen, getting out plates, cups, some soda, napkins, and a pizza cutter.

"You are really excited about this, aren't you?" he asks, a touch of humor in his voice. You nod before taking the box from him, and putting some on your plate.

The rest of the night was relaxing. After cleaning up from dinner, the two of you take it easy and decide to shower and go to bed early so it would be easier for you to wake up the next morning.

Instead of your alarm, you feel someone pick you up, sitting you straight up in your bed this time. "Y/N, we have to get up, come on. I have your clothes right here. Just get dressed and Yams is gonna bring some breakfast when he passes the store." You look back at your brother, confused, before realizing why you were getting up. You jump out of bed and nod frantically.

When your brother leaves, you put on your new manager uniform and start brushing your hair and pulling into pigtails, tying them off with black ribbon bows. You grab your bag, putting your notebook and phone in it before leaving your room.

Kei was waiting for you and the two of you leave for school, thinking about the week ahead of you.

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