Chapter Five

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The next morning, you go through school as usual. You spend lunchtime alone in your classroom to get ahead on work and find Kei coming and checking in on you.

Is everything alright, Y/N? You didn't join us for lunch so I got worried. He kneeled down beside your desk and examined you, making sure there was no trace of pain or tears on your face.

You signal towards the completed pile of homework on your desk. I was just finishing my work early. Did you speak to your coach yet? Your eyes sparkled, excited to hear if she could be a manager.

Your brother responded with a huge grin. I guess you will just have to talk to them once we get there later. You cross your arms and glare at Kei, only for him to chuckle and stand up. I'm going to go now, okay? I'll be back after school. You nod and watch him leave.

Your afternoon classes pass slowly. Nothing special happened, but you were so excited for the end of the day, you didn't even wait for Kei to come to your classroom. You grabbed your things and ran down the hallway.

You had planned to stop at your brother's classroom, but of course, it was only your second day at this school, and you found yourself getting lost. You looked around, getting nervous. Reaching in your bag, you realize you lost your phone and notebook somewhere.

You felt your panic start to close in around you, being somewhere strange with no way to communicate with others. People were starting to stare and you didn't know how to explain to someone you were lost. Tears began to fall and you couldn't find your way. People asked you if you were okay, but how do you say your lost and not talk?

You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around, seeing a silver-haired boy looking back at you. "Your Tsukishima's sister, right? What are you doing in the third year hallway?"

You turn to face him, trying to find a way to explain but you know that to him, you hands just make no sense to him. You get frustrated and break into more tears.

"Hey, it's okay. Are you lost? If you were heading to the gym, I was on my way there myself now. You welcome to come with me" he said, offering his hand to you. You nod and let him lead you to the gym where Kei and Yamaguchi were pacing worriedly.

You run up to your brother, tears still falling. He immediately looks up to Suga, glaring. "What did you do to her? Why is she crying?"

"I found her outside my classroom. She seemed lost and upset, so I offered to bring her here. I don't know what happened before that, but I promise that's all I did." He looked worried, still not sure if you were okay.

You tug on Kei's shirt, getting his attention. I was to excited and tried to come here on my own. I got lost and didn't have my notebook or phone, so I got scared.

He immediately wraps you in his arms. "I told you I would come to your class. You left your things on your desk." He motioned to Yamagucci who held your notebook and phone with an empathetic smile.

You hug Yamaguchi, your version of an apology to him, and put your things in your bag. "Me, Suga, and Tsukki have to get changed, but the girls are inside."

"Actually, Yams, I have to talk to the Coach first. Go on ahead of me and I'll follow in a moment." He looks at you and you smile back.

As the other two walk away, you can faintly hear a comment made by the older of the two. "It's so nice seeing Tsukishima be so kind. Are you sure that's still him?" to which Yamagucci responds with a giggle.

"You ready? Don't worry, if you sign something, I can talk for you, and they already said it was okay." You smile and nod, and grab his hand, practically dragging him into the gym.

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