Chapter 23: A Battle Between Olympians

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First off I'd like to say thank you for the reception on the last chapter. I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I'd especially like to thank @TheSonofTartarus, @ScreamCounter and @Octavionlol. You three were one of the first to read this story and have been keeping up with it ever since. If you been a long time reader and I didn't name you, I'm sorry. You can just comment here and I'll thank you lol. Anyways, enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think.

Chapter 23

It had been two days since the last council meeting between the fifteen Olympians. The refugees from Rome seemed to be getting used to their time on Olympus thanks to Percy and his request to let them have a place to stay. The Romans were currently staying in the same palace as the Greeks which wasn't a problem but it was starting to get a little cramped. Thankfully, Percy and Athena managed to get Zeus to agree with building new palaces for the demigods to stay at. The wisdom Goddess immediately set out to work on planning the construction while Percy made his way towards Ares's place.

It was easy to find thanks to the war God's rather exclusive taste in home decoration. His palace was painted in a dark, red color which reminded Percy of blood. He made a face of disgust at the entrance door which had a human skull on it with a dagger in between the mouth.

"He would love Tartarus if this was his type of decoration." Percy mused to himself. With reluctance, Percy knocked on the bloodstained door loudly and waited patiently for the God to come outside.

"Hey watch where you're knocking dipshit!" A Australian man's voice screamed out at Percy. Percy startled for a moment, looked around for the voice but nothing caught his eye. "I'm right in front of you fucker!" The Australian's rowdy voice ranged out once more. The black haired God turned back to the door and was surprised to see that the skull which was on the door was looking at him with a face of annoyance. Percy walked closer to the door and leaned in closer to the skull. Was it talking to him? The skull which was millimeters from his face, quickly snapped his mouth shut, almost biting off Percy's nose. "Quit your staring and tell me what you want bitch. I ain't got all day!"

"Uh? I'm here to see Ares." Percy said like it was a question. He hadn't expected to be talking to a door decoration today so it kind of put him off guard. Sure, weirder things have happened to him before but it was early in the morning and the skull was rather loud. "Just like the person living in the palace behind the door." He thought.

"The only people that come to see Ares are women who are either drunk or missing a couple of brain cells. So why do you want to see him?" The skull pompously asked. Percy opened his mouth but was interrupted. "Wait! Please don't tell me Ares has different romantic preferences now! I really don't want to hear that, I already hear enough behind these walls." The skull said with a look of horror. It took the son of Poseidon a minute to understand what the skull was insinuating but once he did, he held the same look of horror the skull had.

"No! Nothing like that. Gods of Olympus, please don't ever say that again. I've seen some fucked up shit in my life but that would take the cake." Percy said, suppressing a shudder at the image in his mind. "I'm here because he and I have to train the army of Olympus for the war. Is he here?"

"Yeah, he's here. Just passed out drunk. I'll wake him up. You stay put." The skull said before disappearing in a puff of smoke which strangely smelled of napalm. Percy sighed before leaning against a pillar as he waited for the God. What was Zeus thinking assigning Ares with him to train the demigods? Sure he was the God of war and training people to fight was his specialty but Zeus should know that they couldn't work together, let alone teach together. They would probably kill each other before even getting in some lessons for the demigods. Zeus should've assigned Athena to help him teach. Sure she wasn't much better than Ares but at least she would've put their differences aside to train the demigods.

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