Chapter Eleven

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"Wake up Perseus! Time for war!"


Apparently I was to slow to get up as I was punch hard in the stomach. I heaved for air as I got up. Hyperion and Pallas cruelly smiled down at me. I glared at them as I finally recovered from their haymaker.

"Fight begins in thirty. Come on. We got to get you freshened up!" Pallas said dragging me from my cell. I pushed him off from me causing him to slam into another cell.

"I can walk myself!" I growled into his face. Pallas looked like he was about to fight me but Hyperion held him back.

"Woah now Pallas." He said grabbing his arm. "We have bets on him. Now would not be a good time to screw that up for us." Pallas grunted as he shook Hyperion's arm off.

"Do that to me again and I'll cut your eyelids off." He said walking away. Hyperion waited until his nephew was away and then laughed.

"Oh that was something else Perseus." He said wiping a tear from his eye. "Come on. We're wasting time." I continued my walk down the blood stained hallway. I walked past Rex's cell but he wasn't in it. He must've been fighting. Hopefully he makes it out alive I said to myself. But you never knew how your fight might turn out. One second you're winning, the next your arm is getting ripped off. Finally we made it to the prepping stage. The smell of copper and metal filled my nose.

"What happened in here?" I asked as I looked around. Pools of blood littered the ground. Hyperion smirked as he splashed me with a bucket of water. I rolled my neck from the cooling sensation.

"A fighter got both arms ripped off. Medics took him in here but he lost to much blood." Hyperion responded. I didn't bat an eye at his comment. Such things didn't phase me anymore. "Here." He said handing me Riptide. I uncapped the blade and relished in its power. Sadly, the bronze light didn't show as it was covered in dried blood. Oh how close I was to dipping Riptide into the Styx. It was so close in to becoming a weapon fit for a God. And how I craved to drive this blade down the throats of almost everyone here. Someday I reminded myself. Someday I will escape.

"And now the fighter you've all been waiting for. The reason you even showed up today!" I heard the announcer scream. My adrenaline began to pump through my veins. I could feel my heart beat through my chest.

"That's your cue Perseus. Pallas and I have massive bets on you so don't let us down. Or you know....We'll gouge your eyes out." Hyperion laughed.

"Perseus Jackson The Monster Slayer!"

"You've already done that." I replied to Hyperion as I walked out into the bloodstained arena. The ground trembled from the screams of the crowd as I made my way to the center. I still couldn't get over the size of the crowd. This was an army of monsters, enough to overrun New York.

"And now his opponent......Josh!"

I almost laughed as I heard that last part from the announcer. What kind of monster is named Josh. Usually it's Josh the flesh eater. Josh the killer. But nope, here it's just Josh. I was surprised when instead of a monster coming out, out came a demigod. A son of Ares by the looks of it. Muscled up, scars all over and a large broad sword.


I circled around the guy hoping to make some sense of this before I had to inevitably kill him.

"What's a demigod doing in Hell?" I asked. He glared at me and spat at my shoes.

"I could say the same thing Perseus Jackson." He grunted as he made the first strike with his sword. Josh was at a disadvantage with his speed however as I simply dodged his strike.

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