What do yall think of the pjo casting?

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Hey, long time no see. First off before any of y'all ask, yes this story isn't abandoned and yes I'm working on the next chapter. Just had writers block and no motivation to continue with this story but I'm trying to get back. Ive even been writing another story just to get back in the groove of things so I suggest you go check it out. I'm pretty far ahead in writing it with well over ten chapters written with 5k words each.

Anyway I need to know how y'all feel about the pjo Disney series castings. To me I absolutely hate them. Every. Single. One. Has been a disappointment. They look nothing like the descriptions in the book which was something we pleaded to Rick to make sure he gets it right with the tv series. But what does he do? Just completely fucks things up, disregards all canon and says "don't like it? Well then you're racist." Like what author says that to his fan base whose been waiting for a faithful adaptation for years!?

As I'm writing this I just saw they released new castings for Luke and Clarisse. And what do you know they look nothing like the characters descriptions! I mean hell, this guy that's supposed to play Luke literally looks like that Anthony guy from that YouTube channel smosh.
This has just been a shit show with all these castings and I don't think ima watch this series.

I really want to know your thoughts about it though in the comments.

Anyway, once again, this story isn't abandoned and the next chapter is being written! Just wanted to put this out here to know your thoughts. Thanks


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