Part 3

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"Marinette! You're going to be late!" The bluenette woke to Tikki yelling next to her. She wasn't really going to be late, but it was still an effective way to wake her up.

She climbed out of bed and got dressed and ready as quickly as she could. By the time she was ready to go, she still had an hour until school started.

"Maman, Papa, I'm leaving!" she called grabbing a croissant from the bakery for breakfast.

"Have a nice day, Mari! We love you!" her mom replied.

"Good morning, Angel. Good luck at school today. If you need me, all you have to do is reach out for me with your mind."

Mari smiled at the words from her soulmate. They'd discovered that they didn't have to go into a meditative state to talk to each other if they focused on the other and spoke aloud.

"I will, Demon," she whispered. "How are you?"

The reply came while she was waiting at the crosswalk. "I'm fine. There isn't really anything happening with me."

"Do you think that we'll ever meet in person, or just be stuck communicating like this forever?"

This time, the answer took so long to appear that she'd given up hope of getting a reply. "We will meet, Angel. I'll make sure of it."

"Really, Demon?" Marinette asked.

"Really, Angel."

When Marinette walked into school, Chloe immediately pounced. "Mari! What's got you smiling already this morning?"

"Just a sweet promise from my soulmate, Chlo. What's up? You seem unusually chipper this morning," Marinette remarked.

"Adrikins took me out to breakfast before we had to be here! On a more serious note, it's been three days since the essay was due. Do you think they'll finally announce who won?"

The bluenette smiled at the blonde's antics. "I was waiting to check my email until I had you with me."

"Check it!" Chloe squealed. The girls waited in suspense as Marinette's phone pulled up her new emails. When Mari saw that she had a new email from Wayne Enterprises, she immediately started reading it. "What does it say, Mari?"

"Miss Dupain-Cheng, this is Bruce Wayne, and I am delighted to inform you that won the essay contest for an all expenses paid trip to Gotham. We already worked everything out with your school. Your flight will leave on Monday at 7:30 am. Congratulations! We will see you when you arrive," Marinette read aloud.

"Well done, Mari! I knew you would win!" Adrian said, having walked up while she had been reading the email.

"I would live to stand here and celebrate," Chloe said. "But we better get to class before Lila and her cronies find some way to sabotage us."

The other two nodded and they walked in the direction of their classroom.

"Marinette! How could you?" Too late.

Daminette-To Have a SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now