Chapter 29: You Love Me?

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"Good morning", I groan as I slump down on the couch.

"Good morning your majesty, can I get you something?", My mom towered over me with her hands on her hips.

"Breakfast would be good", I mumbled.

A sharp sting shot through my ear, making me howl in pain.

"Breakfast is served in the morning, not in the evening", Mom pulled my ear with such brute force, I was surprised it didn't come right off.

She let go and stomped away as I rubbed my ear.

What a mom.

"You expect too much from me mother!", I yelled.

"I can atleast expect you to wake up on weekends to complete your chores, I have that right you know?", She replied as she gave me a plate of apples.

I angrily nibbled on my apples as I gave her the evil eye. I am the most responsible child in the family. I don't have uneccessary flings nor am I delinquent. What more does she want from me?

Suddenly, a scream cut through the tension in the room.

Kat ran into the room flailing her arms about and screaming like a wild bunny rabbit as she jumped on the couch.

"Katrina Emilia Jones, you get down this instant!", Mom shrieked.

"Mom! She got the letter! She got the letter!!", Kat squealed.

"What letter? What did I miss?", Bubba came into the room with dad in tow.

"My darling wildcat, please get down, your mother looks like she might faint", Dad said calmly as he held mom by the shoulders.

Kat obeyed and stepped down as she panted for breath.

She held up an envelope in her hand.

"Harper got the letter from New York University", she grinned.

There was a moment of silence. Before all of hell broke loose.

I pounced on Kat and snatched the letter from her hands. Mom, Dad, Bubba and Kat crowded behind me, eager to see what was inside.

I ripped open the envelope and started reading through the letter.

Dear Miss Jones,

Thank you for applying to for our winter term. We are delighted to inform you that you have to been accepted to New York University. Please complete the requirements below. We look forward to seeing you enjoy your time as a part of our community.

Mom gave me a bone crushing hug and showered me with kisses.

"My baby got in! My baby's in university!", she squealed excitedly.

"I'm IN!!!", I screamed as we all celebrated.


I barged into the room to see Will sprawled across his bed, wrapped in his blanket.

I drove here in such a frenzy, I hadn't even changed or showered. So yes, I had showed up at my boyfriend's house looking like a demon. But I was too excited to realize that.

Callie was just as excited as my mom was about my acceptance letter.

Oh god I'm an embarrassment.

I tiptoed to Will's bed and jumped over him, startling him awake.

"Will!!! I'm in! I'm in! I'm IINN!!", I squealed.

"That's what she said", Will turned over and buried his face in his pillow, "No wait, he said, okay whatever",

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