Chapter 8: Let's play truth or dare

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The weekend came faster than I expected it to. 

It was a Friday afternoon and I was packing my bag. I had a facemask on, wearing a lose t-shirt and some shorts. I stuffed my bag with my clothes while dancing along to Ciara's Thinkin Bout You. 

I shook my hips to the beat.

Loving you is something strange

Don't get me wrong I ain't complaining

I've been thinkin bout you!

I sang out the lyrics in my horrible voice.

I know, Chelsea promised to ruin my weekend but it's nothing music can't fix.

While I was washing and drying my face after getting the face mask off, heard a loud knock on my window.

I saw Will's amused face peeking in. I rolled my eyes at him and opened the window.

"Can't you come in through the door like a normal person?", I asked.

"Nope", he climbed in.

"I didn't even invite you in", I pointed out.

"And I'm not a vampire", he replied.

"You've watched vampire diaries?", I gasped.

"Yup", he replied, not even paying attention to the look of surprise on my face. 

He lay down on my bed and started reading the blurb of Eat Pray Love, which was sitting on my bedside table. 

"You're quiet today", I pointed out, turning off the music. 

"Hm", he replied.

"Will, are you even listening?",

"Hm", he mumbled again.

I snatched the book from his hand but it didn't seem to faze him either way.

"Will, talk to me", I tugged his arm.

"When did everything start?" he asked, "With Chelsea?"

"Middle school", I sighed.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" he sat up, his face only inches away from me.

"No one asked, so I never said anything", I smiled.

Will was about to say something when I got a notification on my phone. I picked it up to see

Chels.bby added you to a group chat

Why did Chelsea add me to a group?

"I'll be right back", I said and went to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I unlocked my phone. I instantly wish I hadn't.

Chels.bby: Who thinks that Harper Jones is a slut?

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