Chapter 28: You seem very eager to get punched tonight

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"How dare you!", Kiki screeched

"Is that what you teach your children Callie?", Aunt Tami yelled, "Look at how he's letting....this girl treat his sister!",

"Teachings? Callie never had them in the first place, what is she going to teach her children?", Nana snarled, "She married that man without my permission and now she's not even correcting her children ",

"You just went after the money Callie", Aunt Tami added, "Why would you ever disapprove of this girl when she's just like you? Nothing but a goddamn gold digger",

"You didn't even have the money to pay your tuition when you ran away, we all know you're not talented enough to get into Harvard", Nana yelled,, "You just slept with the most profitable man you could find",

That's it.

"Shut up",

"Excuse me?!", Aunt Tami sputtered.

"I told you to shut up, did the botox seep into your ears or what?", I glared at her with my hands on my hips, "You have no right to come to this dinner party and say something like that to Callie",

At that point, I didn't care if they disowned me afterwards, I just had to defend Callie.

"And who are you to talk? You're not even part of this family", Kiki retorted.

"Okay, first off, nobody even wants you here, secondly, what makes you think you should speak to me?",

"You people talk about teachings when you're daughter here who is what? 16? Has a boob job", I pointed out, "I was sitting here the entire time, praying they wouldn't pop out onto her plate when she leaned over to seduce my boyfriend who, may I add, is her cousin",

"You both have enough plastic in your face to make barbie jealous and you dare to talk about Callie when she actually has a degree and a brain and she's one of the finest doctors in the city?",

"Well guess what? She isn't the one spending billions of dollars on her clothes and plastic surgeons and jewelry",

"How dare you talk to my mother like that?", Kiki stalked up to me.

"Honey please, let the adults talk and please stay 6 feet away from me at all times because I might as well take a fork and pop those implants",

Kiki backed away from me as if I was a psycho.

Which I was at the moment.

"So get out of here, and don't show your faces to these people again because a family as wonderful as them does not need you here to ruin the mood",

They all gaped at me.

"We won't forget this insult!", Nana snarled at me.

"You better not", I replied back as they stormed out of the house.

Everyone stood in an awkward silence as I shuffled from one foot to another, considering the possibility that they might kick me out of here.

"I'm sorry for causing a scene", I apologized, "I understand if you want me to leave",

I grabbed my clutch when Callie held me back by the arm.

"Why did you defend me?", she asked.

"You're a great mom Callie, and I don't think people like that can have the audacity to insult you", I sighed, "I'm sorry, I should've been a bit more rational",

"William", she said, "Please escort Harper back to her house",

And break up with her.

"And have a good sleepover",

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