Chapter 14: I like Mason

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After dinner, everyone was gathered around in the living room. I was talking to a few of Mason's friends but I couldn't concentrate.

Will was going to do something.

I could feel it in my bones.

"Harper?", Mason said snapping me back to reality.


"Are you alright? You look distracted", he enveloped my hand in his.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired", I lied.

Mason nodded and turned back to his friends.

I looked around the room, my eyes frantically searching for Will.

Speak of the Devil.

Will walked into the living room with a mischevious smirk on his face and malicious glint in his eyes as he sipped on some punch.

His eyes met mine and he gave me a playful wink.

I got up from my seat and walked over to him.

"You did something didn't you?", I questioned.

"Me?!", Will feigned a gasp, "How can I ever do something?",

"Drop the act, drama queen what did you do?",

Will just smirked at me.

That's when we heard it.

A scream echoed through the entire house as the chatter behind me seized.

My eyes snapped back to Will as he just gave an innocent puppy look.

I practically bolted up the stairs with a few other people as we stepped into the hallway to reveal Chelsea Abbot.

Covered. In. Red.

Chelsea stood in the hallway, her face contorted in disgust. Red slimy substance covered every inch of her and white feathers stuck to the sticky layer on her body.

Will stood there with a very amused expression on his face.

"Hey", Will said as everyone's attention turned to him, "Who had a pillow fight with bloody Mary here?"

Everyone guffawed at his comment and started taking pictures of Chelsea who stood there in horror.

"What is going on here-oh!", Mrs Hensley gasped at the sight of Chelsea's bloody chicken look.

"Miss Abbot please go and clean up, you reek like chemicals", Mrs Hensley said.

"Harper did this to me!" Chelsea screeched.

"That's not true Chels, you're overreacting, Harper was with me the entire time", Mason protested.

"You should know how to differentiate between friends and foes, Chels", Will smirked as I gave him a death glare.

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