xi. Hiccup The Horrendous II

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━━ chapter elevenhiccup the horrendous (not so horrendous?)part two!

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━━ chapter eleven
hiccup the horrendous
(not so horrendous?)
part two!


━━The next morning, tensions were high. They hung over Berk like low storm clouds, making it seem hard to breathe for Valkyrie Frode who stepped out into it that morning. Her deep breath was short-lived, filled with worry over what was supposed to happen today. Hiccup was supposed to fight and kill the Monstrous Nightmare, and Valkyrie now knew that he couldn't do it; or that he wouldn't do it. He promised her that he would have a plan by the morning, but Valkyrie had a feeling that that plan would be stupid, and dangerous, and━she's really worried, okay?

Valkyrie never saw herself ever being worried over Hiccup the Horrendous━the least Viking Viking out of all of them. But that was before her gaze widened. This whole time, Val had seen only what was on the surface, and she didn't want to see any more. This whole time, she had been victim to her own realisations towards others ... she had been narrow-minded towards Hiccup, towards her brother, towards dragons...

Like the dragon he was 'supposed' to kill today.

Last night had changed so much for Valkyrie━quicker than any Viking's stubborn mind should be changed. It was like meeting the warm fire so sudden after being out in the snow; it made her brain crack and fiddle over everything she had been taught and thought she knew, and now she was a mess of emotions that she usually kept bottled up. They flew out of her, and she wasn't met with the same freedom she felt on that dragon with Hiccup in the air. She blamed that on why she kissed him on the cheek; she was overwhelmed! High on adrenaline! That was the only explanation for why she went from hating Hiccup to feeling like this and doing what she had done.

But now that it happened, Valkyrie couldn't take a step back to the way she was before. Last night made her see things differently, and now Valkyrie couldn't━or rather, she wouldn't━see them any other way, now. Hiccup showed her freedom, and she always craved freedom like that.

And now she was worried for him because he was an idiot and whatever he was planning to do with this Monstrous Nightmare will most likely not end well.

(A lot did change overnight ... She found the Dragon's Nest, gained a different view on dragons, kissed Hiccup on the cheek, is now worried about Hiccup...)

"Hey," a figure caught up with her as she headed down to the arena. Valkyrie glanced at her brother walking beside her. Asrifth scratched the back of his neck. "I━uh━can I ask you something?"

She frowned, "What?"

Valkyrie didn't mean to sound so aggressive, but she couldn't help it. It was who she was, especially when she was worried over something.

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