ix. A Trader's Tales

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━━ chapter ninea trader's tales!

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━━ chapter nine
a trader's tales!


    ━━There are many upsides in living far north in an Archipelago; their foes had to travel far ways to reach the island of Berk, they could see them oncoming days beforehand at least, and it made for a large territory. The downsides, however, were the lack of recourses from the South. Berk━in a word━had always been traditional; the Viking way, or off the cliff-way. (That was until Hiccup changed their minds on dragons forever). However, the one thing that did excite the Vikings of the Hooligan Tribe that wasn't traditional, was Trader Johann's stories and product.

    No one knew where he came from, not really. Some said he was a prince, exiled from his lands far south. Others said he was an ex-pirate. Valkyrie's mother liked to think he came from everywhere, and nowhere, and with the tales to prove it. Snotlout once heard that he had survived the grasp of a Skrill to the deep West, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut were told of a story that he had escaped the claws of a tribe of Cannibals in the East. Needless to say, Trader Johann's stories beat even Gobber's in the ridiculous endeavours and description.

     But seeing his ship in the port was still exciting━whether it was for the stories or the goods nestled on his deck━, and all those in Berk rushed to meet Johann the morning he arrived, ready to trade their own goods for his.

    Astrid was gleeful (for once), grinning as she dragged Valkyrie towards the ship with Stormfly's help to shove them all out of the way. "Hey!" she'd shout. "Deadly Nadder coming through! Dragon Riders━thank you!"

    Valkyrie herself was much the same, though she hid it, keeping her usual scowl as they jumped over the edge of the boat and landed both boots down onto the wood. "Ah! Hello!" greeted Johann. His voice was soft and smooth, but greasy and thin━slipping through crevices to get what he wanted; a true salesman's voice. He was dressed in robes of fine silk; colourful and bright━something not seen here at Berk with hair dark and shiny, wrapped up in twists together by his braid hanging over his embroidered tunic.

    Val and Astrid didn't pay him much attention, heading straight for the weapons stacked to the left. Fingers picking at a double-bladed axe, Valkyrie spun it around, testing the weight. Seeing Snotlout walk past, she smirked mischeviously to herself, and swung it towards him. Snotlout shrieked and barely ducked the blade.

    "Valkyrie!" he shouted at her, alarmed and she and Astrid laughed.

    Val chucked the handle of the axe between her hands. "Hmm, yeah, good swing, good weight."

     Snotlout narrowed his eyes. "You think you're so funny."

    "She's not," Astrid crossed her arms, smirking. "She's hilarious."

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