Chapter 2

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"You must be aware of your surroundings at all times. Never let your guard down." I walked slowly back and forth with my hands behind me. "First rule?"

"Always cheat and never give your opponents a fair chance." Amber answered breathing heavily from hours of training.

"That's not a rule, that's my strategy." I chuckled.

"First general rule is that there is no rule in combat. The second rule is that there is only one rule and that is rule number 1." She paused patting. "Figure out how your opponents operate, attack when and where they least expect. Attack when they are at their most vulnerable to cause maximum damage." She took a deep breath, placing her arms on her hip to calm down.

"Use every opportunity to stack the odds in your favor. When dealing with packs or covens, Kill their leaders and cut off their communications. In war if you are not cheating, you are not trying hard enough!
And it goes on and on and on" she mocked everything I've said in other trainings.

"Yes, take disadvantage of everything and anything. You're a cute, young girl, no one will ever expect you to defend yourself, so use that. That's all for today."

"Yessss." Amber dramatically throws herself to the ground.






"Just this once?"


"Mom, please."

"No Amber. You're staying here." I replied annoyed.

"I really don't see the point of me training. It's not like I get the experience what I can do." She pouted.

I placed a pair of shoes in my bag then zipped it, throwing it near the door.

"You don't know what will happen in the future. I'm not always gonna be here to protect you, you'll have to do it yourself."

"Please, I won't even get in your way. I can hide my scent, no one will know that I'm there." She begged.

"You're just a kid, kid." I remarked.

"I look like a typical teenager." She crossed her arms knowing it was true.

For the last five years I've watched Amber grow ten times faster than a normal werewolf. She looked, acted and think like a 16 year old but is five years old. She turned out to be a hybrid.

I did some research months after seeing her growth, and came to the conclusion that she is a fairy-werewolf hybrid. I know, how ridiculous and unheard of, I thought so myself at first too. At three years Amber looked like a 8 year old, she was beautiful and completely breathtaking.

That's when her healing and shapeshifting abilities became known. She also has many other magical gifts and some still unknown. As for her werewolf side, she hasn't shifted as yet but super senses and super speed is present.

Im not really educated about the species, I'd never had a liking for them. For the sake of Amber I did some digging and found what I need.

"Fine, I'll allow you just this once but-"

"Thank you, thank you." She cut me off and ran out my room door.

To provide food and shelter, I had to continue with my old job, not a formal one. I worked with hunters and no, I'm not hunting my own kind and I'm not a traitor. Their organization is made up with different species, werewolves, vampires and witches.

They know not of my whereabouts or anything, just that I'm alive. I contact them on an untraceable phone. They don't know my identity and I would rather to keep it that way.

All my tasks are to either eliminate unnecessary threats or collect packages.


"Stay behind me at all times." I whispered to Amber.

She nodded and we stayed together looking around the campus. The mission was to take down a drug dealer, a werewolf selling wolf bane among supernaturals.

There's a small amount of security, it will be easy to enter and exist without causing a scene. Slowly we made our way towards the house, watching out for any surprises.

"Clear." Amber whispered looking around.

Before I could open the door it swing opened and a few large men stepped out. They tackled us to the ground taking out cuffs. Before they got the chance to use it, I created a force field which sent every one of them flying through the air.

I warned Amber not to use any magic before coming here, so I'll have to use mine and she will have to fight.

The guys quickly recovered and charged at us again. I used my magic to carry the first two high up towards the dark sky and then repeatedly slammed them in the ground. I let go when they stopped breathing and did the same for another pair.

Beside me Amber was fighting with another and she was winning, obviously, because I taught her. Couple seconds later every one was dead and we're surrounded by their bodies.

"You ok?" I asked Amber.

She took a deep breathe nodding. "Yes." She swallowed.

"It's clear that this was an ambush. We need to leave here now, I won't risk you getting hurt."

One of my portals appeared from thin air and Amber was the first to enter. On the other side was the house we've been staying at for 4 months.

Before I could get in, a painful pinch forms at my right shoulder, then another and three more. Looking behind me, five syringe waved at me from my shoulder. I harshly pulled them out, falling in portal then it closed.

My whole body started to ache, my lungs screamed from the lack of air. It was hard to breathe, see or recognize anything else than pain. Its like I was being forced to leave my own body.

"I'll try healing you." A muffled sound comes from Amber. Opening my eyes I found myself in the living room, I guess Amber carried me in somehow. I didn't reply to her because I didn't have the will to move myself anymore.

Placing both hands on my chest, she closed her eyes and seconds later a small yellow ball of light appeared between us. It begins to grow larger and larger, one second the pain was going away and the next the ball of light explodes, throwing us both flying in the air.

And then everything went dark.

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