Chapter 28

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Aurelia's POV

Have you ever attempt to do something good for a change and it backfired?

Like a ton of bricks I was hit with the regretion of ever trust this idiot called Caleb Throndsen.

I'm hungry he said.

We can use a recipe he said.

I know what I'm doing he said.

The smoke detector cried out from the consequences of Caleb aimed to 'make' a pizza. The kitchen was swimming in light smoke and rancid smells. We did what any normal person would do when you're cook and the fire alarm goes after because you were distracted by tv; we fanned with kitchen towels. The annoying noise suddenly stopped and only our coughing was heard.

"What the hell did you two do to my kitchen?" Cam voice said from behind us. Both of us froze with guilt, we were caught red handed. Just like any kid who was caught taking candies they weren't supposed to, we started blaming each other.

"She did it." Caleb pointed towards me and I gasped.

"No, he did it." I defended myself.

"I don't care who did it, both of you better get this," he used his finger to point around the kitchen. "cleaned up." Campbell informed with a serious stare. "What's that?" He nodded towards the counter.

The thing that was suppose to be a delicious pizza was now a pan of burnt cheese auditioning for the role of a gloppy glumps of cold oatmeal and melted mushrooms mask with an acrid overpowering odor. Even the pan it self with unnoticeable.

"I left you guys by yourselves for two hours, how the hell did this." He scolded.

"I'm sorry, I'll be taking my leave now. Clyde just mind linked me, saying he need my help." Caleb grinned backing away.

Clyde then entered the room with a smirk on his face. "I did what now?"

"The smoke must have gone to my head," Caleb signed throwing his hands up. "I meant Lavinia."

Lavinia entered the room and kissed Clyde.  "Ummm, me?" She asked confused. "What's that smell?" She said sniffing out.

"They almost burnt my house down." Campbell said like it was nothing and Lavinia and Clyde laughed.

Lavinia placed her hand towards the mess and I knew that she was going to do a spell.  "Tarsus sursum." She whispered and everything went back to normal. The mess of a pizza had disappeared, the ruined oven was now fresh and newly formed, the smoke and the horrible smell had vanished also.

"We have to stop fixing their mistakes." Clyde chuckled.

"Don't worry at that, I have something planned for them." Campbell smirked.

"We'll see you guys later, we promised to visit the daycare center today."Lavinia said taking Clyde's hand and left.

"Lovely couple,  aren't they?" Caleb said with a dreamy face. "Reminds me of my love, Debbie."

I looked at him as of he had grown two heads. "Why didn't you tell me than you had a girlfriend?" I exclaimed. "I even asked you."

"You thought you were the only one?" He joked.

"I really thought we could be together but after hearing this I believe we sure take a break." I said playing along.

"Well then, I guess this is goodbye." Both of us gave the other a bow and Caleb backed away out of the kitchen and left the house.

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