Chapter 19

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"Hi Gracie" Ashley waved lightly walking into the room, I waved back sitting up

Before anything else could be said a nurse walked in checking my vitals, she then told me that Marcy was going to talk to me. As she walked out I heard arguing, it sounded like Marcy and a male voice. There was some more yelling before it got quite and Marcy walked in, she locked the door and they sat down next to me

"Gracie honey" Marcy reached for my hand but I pulled it away and she sighed "We were very worried, why would you- why would you kill yourself? We were giving you a better home" she looked at me with disappointment and sadness

"Gracie do you regret it?" Ashley asked and I shook my head, no. I could see tears threatening to come out of both of their eyes

They sat next to me for the next hour trying to talk to me, but I wouldn't budge. I didn't want to talk about this, I didn't want to talk to Marcy. They tried to get me to write anything on a note pad but I would just push it to the floor and they would sigh, I could tell it was frustrating them to no end, but I could care less. Suddenly a knock was at the door and Ashley rushed to open it, a lady in a suit walked in with a briefcase. She looked so formal

"Hello Marcy, Ashley" the lady greeted with a smile and shook their hands "And you must be Gracie" I didn't move only stared at her from my sitting potion

"Gracie this is Jennifer Holden, she works for Child protective services" Marcy introduced the lady standing in front of me. Quickly I grabbed the note pad that was but in front of me again

"Why is she here?" I wrote in sloppy hand writing, I still hurt from the many cuts that was limiting my hand movement. I tossed the book to the end of the bed and Marcy picked it up

"She's here as your social worker. Jennifer is a very old friend of mine and she has agreed to help me to adopt you" I crossed my arms over my chest

"We get to be sisters and you get to have a nice place to stay" Ashley piped in, I grabbed the note pad back

"Who said I wanted to be apart of your family?" They seemed hurt by my words

"Well we could place you in foster care again and you could end up with another family like the Castoff's again" Jennifer stepped in "I pulled your file Gracie, I know you lost your father at fourteen and you fell from a four story apartment" Jennifer crossed her arms

"What!" Marcy asked out of shock. I could hear Ashley gasp

"And?" I asked with raised brows, everyone's heads snapped towards mine "Don't fucking remind me" I was getting better at speaking fluent sentences "I have nightmares about it every night"

"Did you just speak?" Marcy turned to face me again. Ashley wasn't fazed 

"She doesn't speak?" Jennifer asked

"I don't think she's spoken a word in years, we thought she was mute" Marcy added

"You forgot that I was raped when I was a freshman in high school, that I've been abused since I was fifteen, there's a lot of things that happened to me that aren't in a file" I growl glaring daggers onto Jennifer's eyes

"What?" Ashley whispered. I could see disbelief in all of their eyes

"Want to adopt me now?" I think Marcy was still trying to figure out why I was suddenly talking, Ashley looked at me in sorrow

"I don't care for your past Gracie, only your future" I felt tears wanting to come out, but I refuse to cry in front of this stupid social worker

"Can you just leave me alone?" I cross my arms again and turn away to look out the widow

Once they leave I sit there waiting for about twenty minutes just staring out the window. Then once I'm sure no ones else is coming in I quickly start pulling out the IVS from my arms, that suddenly set off an alarm. I try and stand up only to fall on wobbly legs, this was not going my way. There was commotion outside the room as I finally get on my legs and make my way towards the door

Before I get to the door it's thrown open and there stands Tyler shocked. I suddenly collapse into Tyler's arms, his arms tightly wrapped around my waist as I hold onto his arm. I warp my hand around his bicep and my other on his hands around my waist. He quickly moves me into a bridle position as Ashley and Mesa rush in to see what was happening. 

824 words


1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- How do you feel about the little information Gracie gave you about her past?

3- How do you feel about me focusing more on Gracie and Ashley's relationship more then the relationship with Tyler?

4- How do you feel about me focusing more on Gracie mental Issues?


Republished date- June 23, 2021

~ TheDevil

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