Chapter 18

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"He wants to talk to you Gracie" Ashley says, I kept shaking my head no "He's gonna burst in here, it's taking both Mason and Nash to hold him from coming in here"

"Ashley" Mesa pushed off the wall "She doesn't want to see him, so she doesn't have t-"

Mesa was cut off by the door being slammed open. All of our heads snapped to see Tyler looking straight at me with a lot of anger in his facial features. I pushed the covers off of me as he began to walk towards me, Mason and Nash went and grabbed his arms. I kept kicking and pushing my way away from him. Suddenly I fell to the floor with a hard thud, pulling out the IV, I groaned in pain as I tried to regain my breath, dizziness covered my vision

"Oh god, Gracie!" Ashley and Mesa rushed to me trying to help me get up. I tried moving away from them to the very corner of the room trying to stay away from Tyler

"You need to leave!" Ashley pointed a finger at the door, but Tyler didn't move "Leave now, Tyler!"

"Fine" he throw his hands up and I covered my head with my arms as Mesa leaned down next to me

"Hey, hey, it's ok" she rubbed my back "He's gone" slowly I let go of my head dropping my hands

"Nash, come pick her up please" Nash walked over slowly reaching for me, I flinched covering myself again "Ok, back off and go get my mom"

Eventually I get out of the corner and back into the bed as Marcy walks back into the room. She checks me over and puts back in the IV. I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them so I could lay my head on top of my knees. Marcy bid a farewell and told me she'd be back in a few hours and Mesa was right behind her saying she had things to do

"D-don't l-lea-ve m-me" I stuttered out as Ashley put a hand on the door. Freezing in her tracks she turned to face me

"Did you-" she paused "Did you just speak" I felt tears prick my eyes

"Don't l-leave" I reached out a hand and patted the open spot next to me

"Hey, don't cry" she crawled on the bed next to me wrapping her arms around my small body "I'm here" I felt the tears fall

"W-why was h-he so-o ang-ry?" i cried hugging her back

"I think he's more angry at himself and not you"


"Because he let you out of his sight when he promised himself he wouldn't let anything happen to you. I think he blames himself for letting you almost kill yourself"

"W-why? He do-esn't e-even kn-ow m-me"

"That's a story he needs to tell" Ashley laid her head on mine and eventually the tears stopped and I was slowly falling asleep

She moved to help me get comfortable before staying with me before I fell asleep. The nightmares coming head strong, waking me up around midnight.

524 words

So I'm gonna be posting a new story. It's a werewolf kind of book with a bit of a twist to it. let me know if I should post it or not


1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- What could Tyler be hiding?

3- How do you feel about Ashley and Gracie's small little friendship moment?


Republished date- June 23, 2021

~ TheDevil

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