Chapter 25

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Tyler and I were sitting in his car looking at the forest from up top a hill, it was peaceful with slight music playing in the background. It's been four days since the ran and when Ashley and I got home we didn't get caught which we were both thankful for. We even convince Marcy to finally let me have my freedom which meant I could go back to school on Monday and I could leave the house.

There was still one thing on my mind however

"Where did you go the other day?" I asked looking down to play with the end of my shirt

"What are you talking about?" I side glanced him to see he was staring at me now and not at the forest

"The other day when we were at your house, Nash came and got you and then you guys disappeared" I still didn't look up to worried about my shirt

"My father sent us out"

"To do what?"

"I can't tell you that" he sighed and I finally turned to look at him, only he wasn't looking at me

"It couldn't be that bad, so just tell me" I turned half way into my seat

"I can't Grace"

"Why can't you just tell me? Huh? What did your father ask you to do?"

"Fuck Grace" he slammed his hand on the wheel "Just stop, I can't tell you"

"I ju-" 

"Gracie!" he yelled looking at me, he was so angry it scared me. I leaned back into the door out of fear "Grace" he reached for me and I flinched back grabbing the door handle "Hey, look I'm sorry" I throw open the door

I slam the door walking away from the car and towards the edge of the hill looking at the deep forest that was dark and shaded by the moon and stars. I didn't hear him get out which upset me. I crossed my arms together before looking up at the stars, one of my favorite things to do is look at the stars. I could feel the tears threatening to fall

"Grace, I'm sorry" I hadn't even noticed Tyler had gotten out of the car "I really am" I closed my eyes and spun around. Taking a deep breath I looked right into Tyler's eyes

"Does it have something to do with you being apart of a gang?" I asked, trying to keep the tears at bay

"You remember that part of my life" he looked down for a second

"Of course I remember it! Why wouldn't I remember that part of your life?" I question "Why wouldn't I remember that the guy who saved my life twice was part of a gang? Why wouldn't remember that Lisa and Jim owed money to a gang? that just so happened to be the gang where I met all my new friends and someone special?" the tears ran down my face

"You met someone special?" I could hear the hurt in his voice

"Yeah" I nodded "I did" I took a few steps forwards to where Tyler was leaning against his car

"Who is this person?" the look of hurt on his face was growing with every word I spoke

"Well he's about six foot something -not sure- but he's tall" I stepped forwards again "He's got curly black hair and the most amazing light green eyes that I have ever seen" I stopped right in front of him placing both my hands on his face

"Who is this amazing guy that you speak of?" I watched him smile a bit placing both his hands on my hips

"He's standing right in front of me" I leaned down and kissed his lips softly. He responded with a soft kiss of his own. I pulled away "Now will you tell me what you had to do for your father"

"Grace-" he sighed

"Please, tell me. You can trust me" he reached forwards and subbed my now drying tears away

"Fine" he kissed my lips one last time "My father -who you may know is the leader- he sent the boys and I out to make sure a shipment went smoothly this time and that we got the money we were owed"

"That's what you couldn't tell me? Really" I sighed moving my hands down his face and to rest on his shoulders

"I don't want you wrapped up in this life Grace"

"I'm already wrapped up in this life Tyler, so why not just share your troubles with me?"

"It's not your burden to bare" 

763 words

You guys finally got to know why Tyler disappeared. You wanted to know so I got you answers, boring no? Lol you wanted to know. 


1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Was what Tyler said boring to know or did you find it helpful or something?

3- How did you find Gracie and Tyler's little talk and heart to heart?


Republished date- June 29, 2021

~ TheDevil

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