Chapter 6

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"Damn this wind. My freaking hair!" I froze

Quickly I stood up and started walking in the opposite direction that the group was coming from. I hugged my book close to me with one hands while the other hand held onto my hood. Their laughs were heard as I walked away, I tried to get away as fast as I could before they could call out to me. Much to my luck someone called out to me

"Hey, mystery girl!" I stopped walking, not turning around

"Where are you going?" This sounded like Ashley, she wont leave me alone. We have art and French together

"you gonna come talk to us?" I ignore them and quickly make my way around and back into the school


It has been about two weeks since the new kids showed up and my parents left. This girl Ashley would not leave me alone, I tried my hardest to avoid her at all costs. Sadly, I had some classes with her, and she tried her damn hardest to get me to look or talk to her. I of course just ignored her and kept on my way of life the best I could.

I was sitting at my window seal looking out, everything was peaceful and normal as It could be. My heart on the other hand stopped when I spotted two familiar cars pull into the driveway. I froze as they climbed out and started their ways into the house. I heard stomping around downstairs and soon loud footsteps coming up the stairs, I stared at the door in fear as it was thrown open.

"Well, hello there" Lisa said "We have guests coming over later today. So, I want this whole house cleaned tonight. I really don't care if you don't get sleep" she smirked and walked over to me just to grab my hair and start to drag me out the room

"Start cleaning bitch" Jim my so-called father growled before stocking off to his and Lisa's room

"What he said" she shoved me down the last few stairs before walking after him

I let out a breath and get up to start my chores, the house was so bad it was going to probably take all night. I don't ever really sleep anyways, so it didn't bother me. I grabbed everything I need and went on my way to clean the house the best I could. While I was cleaning around the stairs, I could hear noises coming from their room, I cringed. That is disgusting, I hate when they did this. She was loud

It was soon around three in the morning when I finished, it was the best I could do. I walked up the stairs slowly and quietly, so I did not wake them, I walked into my room and crawled into my bed. They probably were going to have their friends over tomorrow, which would mean I was going to be beaten three times as bad. It was normal though when his buddies came over

I have gotten used to it, the pain I mean. I only got an hour of sleep, which was kind of normal. I just sat at the window seal until the early hours of the morning, but soon I had to get up to make breakfast for them. When it was done, I left it out and walked up the stairs into my room in time as they walked downstairs. I moved to the window seal and flipped the knife in my hands.

Later into the afternoon I heard a few cars pull up and I sucked in my breath. I did not look to see who they were; I just knew. They could probably see me in the window, but my short hair covered my face as I was looking down at my knife. I heard a knock on the door and some people shuffling and begin to talk. They were to muffle by the thick walls for me to hear what they were talking about

I could not really hear their voices either, but I could hear them walking around and a pair of feet walking up the stairs. I did not move as the door opened, and then close. They walked towards me and I could see Lisa's shoes come into view, I stiffen. She grabbed my hair and made me look up at her

"Remember don't make a single noise, these are important people. If you make one sound your beating is going to be worse than normal. Understood?" She growled before slapping me. I nod "Good"

With that she walked out and down the stairs, so they were not their friends. They were other people, I looked out the window and saw different cars from their friends' normal beat-up cars. They were brand new looking black SUVs. Oh my god, what if it is the government? Or even worse a gang? I would not put it past these people to get mixed up with gangs. They probably owe them money

There are many ways whatever is happening downstairs could go, many ways. Such as they could be idiots and get us all killed, or them killed and maybe they would not know I was here. Or my so-called parents could be selling me, I have heard about girls being sold to gangs before. Or maybe they were just paying their debts and soon would leave, or they were getting more money. Like I said, many ways

Out of nowhere I heard a gunshot and a scream. I quickly moved to open my window; they were being idiots. For how much I wanted to die, today was not the day. I opened it as I heard another gun shot and quickly climbed out with my knife in hand, I crawled onto the lower roof and shut the window behind me. I moved farther up the roof to the top of the house, I have been up here many times before

1010 Words

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1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Who was shot?

3- Who are the people that showed up?


Republished date- June 8, 2021

~ TheDevil

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