💜 33 part 2💜

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Kyung Hoon-ah,

Please don't be so hard on the world. There will be times where you'll gain nothing but disappointment and heartache in life but please learn to let it go. If you don't, if you let anger, resentment and bitterness fuel you, you will end up alone. No one wants to be alone, not even you. You can be as stubborn as you want but you can't lie to me, I can see right through you. Don't blame others when things go to shit. You're my brother and i love you but you're rash and too hot headed. You never think. You just act. It is your most admirable trait yet it will also be your undoing. Learn to accept things as they are, you aren't a 10 year old. Hell i'm not sure how old you'll be when you see this but i swear if you're still being childish- i will find a way to haunt you. Quit being a dick, if you have done something to her then make it right. That girl has been through enough, she doesn't deserve your unnecessary wrath. Her mind will be in shambles after this, don't make it worse for her. Go make it right. Take care of her for me. Fix what's left of our family and please for the love of God start dating- or find a hobby. You have too much free time.



i sat back down and watched as he ate himself up in guilt. I had a feeling Hyo-Rin would make him see sense but i had no idea he'd be shaking to his core-Literally. I felt bad for him and good for myself at the same time. Finally he'll stop harassing me. It's about damn time, his dumb need for revenge was getting exhausting.

"I...I don't know what to say..."

'eh? a simple "i'm sorry" would have made the cut but now i kinda wanna make a big deal out of it'

"What? How about I'm sorry Y/n for making you suffer, for torturing your cousin and best friend. I'm sorry for sending people to ruin your dates , for shooting an arrow at you and for beating you up to a bloody pulp. How about I am so sorry Y/n for having my men fire their guns at you while you had company and could've gotten you both injured, I'm sorry for holding a grudge against you for so long over something you didn't do. I'm sorry for making you feel like shit-"

"Okay i get it...you're right- but i can't apologize"


"let me finish. I can't apologize because that wouldn't be enough. They're just empty words. What i did to you was horrible and Hyo-Rin was right, you didn't deserve it- any of it. I can't go back in time and refrain form hurting your family and friends. Nothing can make up for the misery i caused you and the only thing i can do now it swear my allegiance to you. I can't take back what i did. But i can repent slowly. I can do right by you from here on out. I'll swear to protect you and all your friends if you let me. Allow me to slowly redeem myself"


I was speechless.

He actually rendered me speechless.

"Whatever, you know if it means that much to you-" I tried to play it cool and hide the fact that i was so happy he was finally back to being himself but i failed in doing so.

I should be mad at him for a lot longer but i don't have the energy for it. If he's truly sorry then i'll give him the benefit of the doubt but if he so much as crosses me, he won't make it to 40 years old.

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