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Present Time


Its been a week since that text message.

I'm sitting down at the lunch table next to Jungkook. We're both waiting for Tae and the other guys.

M. K. H.

Nothing bad has happened yet .
I know I should be relieved but honestly....this scares me more. He's not doing anything....which means he's planning something.

The text said 'I hope you like your gift'

"What freaking gift is he talking about"
I mumbled to myself

"Twinkletoes are you talking to yourself now?"

"What?! No!"

He moved back slightly

"Alright Alright chill"

Getting up i turned to Jungkook

"Watch my seat, I gotta go"

"Where are you going ? Are you going to the bathroom ? " He asks me


I turned around to face him again

" No Carrot head I'm going to the moon"

I watched his face turn from smug to confused

"Of course I'm going to the bathroom"

I walked away from him,  leaving him laughing to himself.

Walking out of the toilet, I was going back to where I left Jungkook.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed Yoongi's locker.

It was completely vandalized.

'That's not possible'
I thought to myself.

My eyes scanned  the room,  not noticing anyone I knew- i took a closer look at Yoongi's locker.

And surely enough, I was right.
There were 3 initials carved into Yoongi's locker.


'Shit! He was here '

"Pip Squeak?"

My body froze solid as I heard his voice

'Jimin..oh fuck'

I quickly turned around and ran towards him and gave him a hug. I made sure that I turned his body the other way so that Yoongi's now vandalized locker would be facing me.

"Hey Jimin..!!!"

Jimin laughed as he slowly pulled away from me.

"Why aren't you at lunch pip squeak ?"

"Umm....i had to pee. Why aren't you at lunch?" I directed the question back to him

"Yoongi asked me to help him get his bag from his locker"


"Oh pfft , I can do that. You can just go back and have lunch"

"Nah, its okay"

He turns around .

Without thinking I quickly jumped on his back  which caused him to stumble to the floor.
Getting off of him I ran up in front of Yoongi's locker , hoping I could hide the damage done

"Ouch pip squeak. What the hell is wrong with you today ? "
Jimin groaned as he stood up

"What do you mean ?" I smiled innocently

The Druggie on campus ~ Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now