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I'm back bitches.
Hello hello my Tricksters! I've decided to upload 30 minutes earlier as a surprise.
Hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment!!!

I love reading comments and theories, I don't get much of those in my book which is....you know 🤧. I just enjoy reading comments a lot and it would make me so ecstatic if I had a bunch to read.

Then again, up to you, I'd just appreciate the vote and comment.


Author POV

"Is it ready?" a man with a gruff tenor spoke up.

An exhausted female nodded her head timidly. She glanced at the multiple vials of the serum her team had created and swallowed the lump in her throat in guilt.

This serum would force one to be obedient towards the person that injects it.
After many trials and errors, it's finally done.

With this in her mind, she couldn't help but feel guilty. This would take away one's right to choose. One must simply obey, if not, then death falls upon them.

She wouldn't have committed to making such an awful thing but the life of her family was on the line

The Kangs were indeed awful

"And you're sure this will work?" The man asked

"I can assure you sir, the incident with your son won't occur this time. The serum has been perfected and has an immediate effect, a new dose is required every 72 hours" the poor woman replied struggling to keep the fear out of her voice

"What are the side affects to opposition and disobedience?" He asks

"The body will heat up from the inside. The pain will be unbearable, it'll trick the heart into pumping more blood when it's not necessary and finally the subject will die of a heart attack in 48 hours " She said

"And the antidote?" The man said

"Also completed. They're ready to be used on your son" She said

"No. Not him, he failed his task last time" He said dismissively

"But it won't happen again" the woman said

"Its still too risky" He said

"Then who do you plan on using it on" the woman said with a hint of curiosity

"Don't worry about that, what about the cam contacts?" He asked

"We had the technicians make as many as possible, they can also be tracked and everything recorded will be transferred to our system. There's also a live camera option" She instantly replied

"Fantastic, have the fighters go send a decent message" He said to the man next to him

"What kind of a message sir?" He asked his boss

"Let them know that we're coming for them" He said

The man left the room with a sadistic smile on his face

'I hope you're all ready for battle'

The man knocked on the door infront of him.

"Sweetheart?" He called out

The Druggie on campus ~ Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now