Chapter Thirteen

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Hearing banging and shouting, Hayley pushed herself out of bed wandering over to the door. Now that Isaac had been joined by both Erica and Boyd, the four of them were doing constant training and it was driving her insane. She just wanted to go to bed, but instead she was being dragged awake at five in the morning because they were all fighting. Scratching at the back of her head, she prayed that her hair was in a suitable fashion as she made it out the door. It was obvious she'd only just woken up from the fact that her shorts and over-sized jumper were all dishevelled.

"Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable?" Derek's voice sounded and she could hear how impatient she was, although it became blurred with a horrible siren which echoed throughout her ears. She was sure it was going to match her own when she finally started speaking. Erica then leaped forward jumping onto Derek and pressing her lips to his and it took everything in the only human in the room to not gag at the sight of it.

Derek soon pushed her down wiping her kiss away from his lips. "That's the last time you do that."

"Why?" The blonde scoffed, "because I'm a beta?"

"No... Because I have someone else in mind for you."

Hayley's face pulled into a disgusted grimace as she walked forward, "and let's not forget you are a literal child. I mean, you're sixteen and he's..." she glanced over at Derek only to realise she didn't actually know how old he was, "somewhere in his twenties. Whilst it's's disturbing and creepy as hell so no." Derek was about to roll his eyes knowing full well that this would end in some bickering.

"Or you just want him for yourself," Erica countered her eyes narrowed.

Hayley could only scoff with a smile, "trust me, his looks stop compensating for his personality within a week."

"You are aware that you're pregnant with my child right, you had to have liked me at some point," Derek pointed out crossing his arms as he glared at her and she turned to him with an innocent smile.

"Exactly... past tense."

"It's five in the morning. You should be in bed," he growled having had enough of it all.

"Exactly. I should be in bed, but someone likes to be unnecessarily loud. So I'm not in bed and you're creating more stress... and you know all you've done in the past few weeks is rant at me about how I shouldn't be going through any stress," she pointed out.

"You know at some point you're gonna have to stop blaming me for everything."

"Aww, of course I will," she assured, "I'll stop blaming you when it stops being your fault," she mused patting against his shoulder teasingly. She'd decided to change her tactics from complete aggression to simply mocking him since the former one wasn't getting her point across well enough.

"Are we done?" Isaac cut in and they all turned to look at the boy on the floor, "I got about a hundred bones that need a few hours to heal."

"Come here," Derek beckoned, although he was the one to step closer to him crouching down. Taking Isaac's arm in his own, the rest of the pack and Hayley watched to see what he was going to do when Derek snapped Isaac's arm. The boy cried out in pain whilst Hayley sighed looking away. She couldn't deal with this anymore. "A hundred and one."

"Nice to know you can count," she muttered brushing her hands over her face in hopes of waking herself up, although she was promptly ignored.

"You think I'm teaching you to fight? Huh?" He shouted, and no-one was able to respond, "Look at me! I'm teaching you how to survive!"

"If they wanted us dead, why aren't they coming for us now? What are they waiting for?"

"I don't know. But, they're planning something. And you especially know that's not our only problem. Whatever that thing is that killed Isaac's father, I think it killed someone else last night. Until I find out what that is, you all need to learn everything that I know... As fast as I can teach you."

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