Chapter Twenty-Two

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"You know, I'm starting not to like this idea. Sounds kinda dangerous..." Isaac began, he was pacing back and forth in front of the window. Derek was sat at the table a book in hand whilst Hayley was thrown across the sofa, wrapped up in blankets with fluffy socks on her feet. She would never stop fighting about the fact that the loft was absolutely freezing. She was going through social media looking at how strange her life had become. "You know what? I definitely don't like this idea, and I definitely don't like him..."

"You'll be fine," Derek assured with a sigh.

"Does it have to be him?"

"He knows how to do it-- I don't. It'd be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself," Derek admitted, that was the first time she'd ever seen him admit that he couldn't do something - she loved it.

"You know Scott doesn't trust him, right?" Isaac asked, still pacing back and forth. None of it had assured him but otherwise had encouraged a lack of re-assurance. "You know, personally, I'd...Well, I'd trust Scott." Derek finally looked up to Isaac dragging his eyes away from the book.

"Do you trust me?"

Isaac hesitated causing Hayley to smirk. It was mildly amusing to watch, "yeah. I still don't like him."

"Nobody likes him." Derek said. That wasn't true, she herself actually did like him. He was amusing to say the least and sometimes he could be nice.

The door then slammed open, and Peter walked in with his usual arrogance. "Boys...and pregnant human," he greeted, and a frown came upon Hayley's lips. She took it all back. She didn't like him. "FYI? Yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities slightly impaired... but, the hearing still works. So, I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face."

Derek slammed his book shut and slammed it onto the table beside him, "we don't like you," he said, and pushed himself to his feet, "now shut up and help us."

Peter sighed as he looked between the three of them, "fair enough."

Derek stood up placing the chair in the middle of the room for Isaac to sit on, and Derek took a seat beside Hayley who awkwardly forced herself up so she could see what was happening. "What are we doing again?" She asked, she'd stopped paying attention when they started talking about the supernatural business because no-one let her involve herself. So she only really got any information when the discussion took place in the loft.

"He's going to get the memories out of Isaac," Derek muttered as Peter stalked around Isaac in a circle.

"Relax. I'll get more out of you if you're calm," Peter trailed off, continued around in a circle.

"Well if you stop walking about like you're about to pounce on your prey then... he might relax more," Hayley trailed off, and Peter shot her a glower causing her to smile.

"How do you know how to do this, again?" Isaac asked.

"It's an ancient ritual used mostly by Alphas, since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice. One slip, and you could paralyze someone..." Peter explained before a smirk grew on his face, "or kill them."

"You... You've had a lot of practice, though, right?"

"Well, I've never paralyzed anyone."

Both Isaac and Derek seemed to connect on what that meant, "...Wait, does that mean that you-" he was cut off as Peter dug his nails into Isaac's neck. Derek stood to his feet watching it carefully.

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