Chapter Twenty-Four

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Feeling another horrible pain hit her, she reached forward grabbing onto the table and closing her eyes beginning to breathe more deeply. Derek could only watch concerned, he had no idea what to do. By the time he'd get to her the pain would be gone and so he wouldn't be able to help.

"I think this baby is tryna kill me," she admitted after a few seconds.

"Let me guess, it's my fault?" He offered, trying to bring some light hearted friendliness.

It had been a few days since they'd found Cora and Boyd had gone home the moment he was in enough control to do so. She'd had a smug moment upon finding out that their little group were the only ones stupid enough to not use the door (which she considered a boost to her own ego and she considered it as a point to her own intelligence). Cora on the other hand, had been forced to sit around to which her and Hayley had tried to get to know each-other - they were on good terms but it was hard to have a conversation with someone when you were aware that you couldn't mess up. The problem was now the young beta was beginning to get restless.

"No, now it's this gremlins fault," she countered finally being able to lie back and she rested her hand on her stomach rubbing gentle circles on it hopefully trying to soothe it. "Do you mind stopping, mommy's not a werewolf and can't handle pain?" She asked looking down to her stomach, and Derek was about to step closer when Cora walked through beginning to work-out again. She was just as bad as Derek when it came to being restless.

Sighing, Derek turned to look at his little sister, "stop," he ordered, but she only continued to do one-handed press ups, "you're not done healing."

"Yeah? Well, I'm done lying around," Cora countered, and Hayley sighed. She really didn't want to be dealing with this again.

Derek walked closer to her before he put his foot on her back forcing her to collapse to the floor. "Then sit."

Seeing the look on Cora's face, Hayley hummed, "don't worry about it. I've had it for the past nine months. Just wait till he starts ordering you around like a dog," she mused bringing her glass of water closer to herself and taking a drink from it ignoring Derek's glower.

"Really, you're on her side?" He asked.

"I'm on the running commentary side," she countered, as she placed the glass back onto the table.

"Are you gonna help me go after them?" Cora asked as she stood to her feet looking over to Derek. It was like she was trying to square off to him, and Hayley already knew there was going to be a fight in a few seconds. Cora launched her hands into her brother's chest pushing him back and that was when she knew he was correct, "come on!" She began an onslaught of attacks and each time Derek only grit his teeth together accepting it all, "Fight back!"

Cora scoffed turning away from him to fix the bands around her hands. "Do Hales always fight each-other?" Hayley asked. First it had been Laura and Peter, and then Peter and Derek, and now Cora and Derek. Maybe it would be Cora and Peter next?

"I came back for this?" Cora snapped, no-one acknowledging Hayley's comment. "I can't believe I got my ass thrown in a vault for three months for you!" She growled out, as she shook her head. It was hard to understand whether she was actually and truly disappointed. "All those rumours I heard... A powerful new Alpha... One of the Hales! Building a pack! Do you know how long I waited to hear something like that? Do you have any idea how it felt to find out you were alive?"

It was silent for a second as Derek stared at her. He was still stood with his arms crossed. "I'm sorry to disappoint you." Feeling another pain shoot through her, she frowned looking down to her stomach. She'd had the final evidence - the child was trying to kill her. There was no other option.

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