Chapter Fifty

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Monroe and her hunters shot thousands of bullets around the shipyard where Scott, Malia, Peter, and Deucalion had all just met up. Deucalion had been shot critically in the chest and abdomen multiple times and was now lying against one of the crates his soul slowly leaving his body. He was alive still, but not for long. The rest of the pack had all taken cover behind support beams and shipping containers as they planned their next move. None of them expected it and there were far too many hunters for any of them to even think about fighting back.

Scott, who was hiding behind a stone support column, looked around the corner for a brief moment to find Malia ducked behind a nearby dumpster. Unfortunately for his hero-complex and love-filled heart, he was forced to move back to avoid being hit by the gunfire which had just broken the cement covering the corner where he was standing beside. Peter had rushed behind another support column waiting for the hunters to run out of ammunition before he hit back.

Malia was doing her best to keep Lydia protected who had her hands over her ears in hopes of blocking out the noise. "Malia!" Scott called out.

A hunter with an assault rifle who had found Scott due to him stupidly calling out lifted up his gun to shoot him, much to everyone's panic, until suddenly the jeep sped forward through the road and hit the Hunter so hard that he flew backwards. "You did it!" Hayley cheered throwing her arms up to cheer from the passenger seat as Stiles looked over to his best friend and an annoyed and yet relieved look on his face.

"You didn't think you were doing this without me, did ya?" He asked and before Scott could process his best friends and sisters arrival, Derek stepped forward his signature smirk plastered on his face.

"Without us?" He corrected. He didn't even wait for a response as he let out his fangs, claws, and blue eyes before roaring and launching himself into the air. Hayley's face pulled into a grimace as she watched it and he slammed his hands down onto two hunters landing with a crouch. He looked up roaring again.

"God, he's so dramatic," Hayley scoffed before both the fight continued.

With the rest of the pack still pinned down, Derek ran towards a pair of hunters shooting at them and snatched one of the rifles out of their hands using it to knock them out by hitting them over the head and he did the same with a snarl to the other one. Malia took the opportunity to charge out of her hiding spot and she shoved a hunter hard against the chain-link fence behind him. Sensing another hunter creeping up behind her she spun around before slashing him across the chest several times with her claws. Finally, Malia ran backwards to kick the first Hunter in the head, easily knocking him out.

They continued with all of them slowly slipping out into the battle and one by one all the hunters were left unconscious or occasionally dead (usually due to Peter). Monroe, realising that the battle was becoming hopeless, ran back towards her SUV with the remainder of the hunters who were still conscious. Once they were gone, both Stiles and Hayley hopped out of the jeep and walked over to where the pack were gathering.

"I can't believe that you didn't tell me about any of this. Not a word! Not a single word!" Stiles scoffed to Lydia who looked over to him with the same amount of exasperation.

"We had reasons. Really good reasons."

Scott was trying to keep Deucalion alive but they all knew it was useless and that he was going to die. Stepping beside Derek, Hayley pressed her arm to his allowing the warmth to remind each other that in that moment they were both alive and safe.

"Gerard... What he f-f-fears most... He can't... beat you..." Deucalion muttered through the blood which was trying to fall from his throat into his mouth and the difficulty of catching his breath. He began to chuckle as if he could already see how the war was going to end and they all watched as someone so close to death simply laughed. "And he knows it."

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