Chapter 28

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I told myself to stop smiling as I entered the dining room for breakfast. Just because I'd been doing well in archery and Van seemed to approve didn't mean that everything was fine. I was still a long way from safe or fully healthy, not to mention that I was still shackled to Jax.

I glanced around the room as I headed to the buffet line. The usual crowd sat at the table in their usual places. Stitch, Snuff, and Bug all looked up from their plates and nodded their greetings. I knew Goggles and Van had been researching locations lately, so maybe they'd gone to scout one out. Van was already gone when I'd woken up—in the bed again—and he'd left no word of his whereabouts or expected return.

I filled a plate and signaled to the server for a coffee before taking my seat beside Stitch. He quickly swallowed his bite of food and turned towards me.

"As you can tell, Van is out right now," he told me. "We have some things to do this morning, so I won't be able to go with you to the Jungle or the archery range. You're more than welcome to go own your own if you feel up to it... or you could go to the gym and use the equipment there."

The idea of going anywhere in this pack twisted my stomach into knots. I didn't really know anyone besides the team, Alpha, and Luna, and I wasn't quite ready to 'expose' myself to other pack members. Maybe I'd just take a morning off, or see if I could hang out with Luna for a few hours.

"Or... you could chill for the morning," Stitch added. He must have read something in my face.

I smiled in thanks and took a bite of toast. He knew me well enough by now, or he was just that good at reading people. I appreciated that about him.

"Good morning, güzel!" Chef swooped out of the kitchen and presented me with my coffee. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm doing fine, Chef. Thank you." I picked up the espresso cup and took a sip of the deeply flavorful coffee. "Perfect... as always."

Snuff made a little snort and shook his head. "Coffee snobs," he muttered.

I pointed a finger at the moody wolf and shook my head. "You have your taste preferences and I have mine. Don't bash it till you try it."

His top lip curled in a slight snarl, but he said nothing more. Bug jerked slightly and dug his phone out of his pocket. After swiping through a couple screens, he tucked it away and pushed back from the table.

"I got to go take care of something, but I'll catch up with you guys a bit later."

From the look on his face, I guessed that whatever he'd seen on his phone was not good news. He exchanged quick glances with Stitch before hurrying out of the room.

It must have something to do with us, my wolf whispered, or he wouldn't have been so vague about what he needed to do.

Maybe... or maybe it's just none of our business.

We are their mission, she reminded me. What else could they have going on?

I pushed aside the knot in my stomach and focused on the delicious breakfast before me. If I was in danger, the team would tell me. Van wouldn't let them worry me about unconfirmed details, so I shouldn't stress over it until there was something to stress about.

Maybe I've been a little too trusting lately, my wolf mused. I mean, the attention and care we're getting is so nice... but I shouldn't forget that people can change in an instant. We can't rely on them too much.

We won't, I assured her. As soon as I feel a little stronger, I'll start going to the gym and archery range on my own. I won't ask them to babysit me any longer than I feel comfortable. We will be strong enough on our own.

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