Chapter 48

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I didn't know if it had been hours or days, but I'd long given up on being rescued. If Van was going to find me, he would have done it by now. Jax's goons had masked their tracks so well that not even I knew where we were. After injecting me with their numbing serum, I vaguely remember being escorted from the room... A light scent of pine, the crunch of leaves... The creak of metal hinges... The next thing I knew, I 'came to' in a cement block room on a sad-looking couch. No windows, one door—which I quickly confirmed was locked—and no other indication of where they'd taken me. The injection was wearing off, everything was becoming clear again.

"She hasn't said a word, boss. I think she's trying to mindlink with someone."

I rolled my eyes as two sets of footsteps entered the room. Someone clearly couldn't remember how the mindlink worked... Not that it mattered. They probably would have found a way to block that. Jax always thought through ways to torture me.

"Good to see you again, sweetheart."

I clenched my jaw as the too-familiar voice assaulted my ears. Of course he'd be here. He wouldn't wait to get me back on his turf; he'd begin my torture as soon as possible. I didn't dare to think about what he might do first.

"I hear that you haven't been particularly cooperative." His voice oozed like slime from a pipe. "Is that true?"

For the first time in six months, I looked my mate in the eye. The sizzle of our mate bond was still there, albeit significantly weaker than what it once was. I no longer felt magnetically pulled to him; it was more of a gentle tug. I could easily fight that.

"I didn't realize that kidnapping was a cooperative sport," I hissed, already yanking my emotions into line. This viper didn't deserve a heart flutter, let alone the yearning that a mate bond would stir. I'd steeled myself against him, and he had no footing to claw his way in.

"Is kidnapping the same as bringing someone home?" Jax murmured, tilting his head in a formerly endearing way.

I actually laughed at him. "What would you know about home? Your so-called 'home' is full of people who respect you on the surface but despise you underneath. Home is the opposite of hell, which is what my life is with you in it."

The fully expected burn on my cheek—accompanied by the crack of skin contact—paused me for a moment. He always struck when challenged, and I'd called him out on the worst of his hypocrisies. A slap in the face was the kindest response.

"How dare you speak to me like that?!" he roared.

"Why shouldn't I?" I said, shaking my head to clear the stars. "You're not my alpha, so I don't have to respect you. And you're not my mate, so I don't have to worry about hurting your feelings."

"Ah... There you are wrong."

He whipped around behind me and yanked me to my feet. I winced as his fingers dug into my arm.

"I am your mate," he growled, dragging me towards the door. "We both know that you'll never accept my rejection and sever that bond. I won't let you."

I stumbled over the doorframe but he yanked me up. He dragged me down the hall of whatever hole we were in and into another room. My stomach lurched at the sight of the bed on the far wall. If he...

He whirled us around, and I stared at the disgusting reflection in the mirror before me. My mate snaked an arm around my waist and pressed my back against his chest. I squirmed away, but he tightened his grip and clawed at my dress.

"You want a mate, eh? Fine; but you're going to watch as I claim what's mine."

As he fumbled with one hand at my jeans, I briefly met his gaze in the mirror.

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