Chapter 33

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When the door opened, I glanced up from the journal to see who had brought our coffee. My heart thumped a little faster as Van pushed the door closed with his foot and crossed the room. Liesel pulled out the coffee table from between our chairs and motioned for Van to set the coffee tray on it. When he did, I stared at the three cups; two espressos, one regular coffee.

He's planning to stay, my wolf whispered.

But why? He must already know this story.

Maybe he wants to be around Liesel; she is his godmother, after all. Or maybe he wants to be with you.

Can you... I sucked in a breath. Can you stop putting that idea in my head? I'd rather not get my hopes up for something that will probably never happen.

What if it does?

I brushed her question aside as Van handed me one of the espresso cups. "Thanks."

"How are you two getting on?" he asked. He resumed his previous seat on the armrest of my chair and looked at his godmother. "Everything all right?"

"Of course!" Liesel chirped. "I was about to tell Liesel about the guardians. I know you've heard the story before, but you're welcome to stay and hear it again."

"Thanks. I think I will."

I blinked at Van's response, closing my mouth around the 'really?' that threatened to pop out. He... wanted to stay? when I was in the room? This was certainly a newer development.

I glanced up to see a faint smile tugging at Liesel's lips. Her gaze flicked back and forth between me and Van, a little sparkle in her eyes. I looked down at my coffee before I read too much into it. Having my wolf hinting at something between me and Van was enough to handle; I couldn't deal with her and Liesel at the same time.

"Zoey? You okay?"

I froze for a second when Van placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

That's new, my wolf noted. Voluntarily touching you in front of someone else? A good step in the right direction.

Maybe he's trying to be nice in front of his godmother, I shot back. Remember: I'd rather not get my hopes up.

I looked up at Van and nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. Why?"

One of his eyebrows rose a little. A little growl rumbled in his chest. So I needed to find another word besides 'fine,' apparently.

He squeezed my shoulder again. "Just checking... you looked lost in thought for a moment."

"Sorry. I'm back now." I took a sip of coffee and turned back to Liesel. "So... the guardians?"

"Yes!" She took a drink of coffee and broke into a huge grin. "This is fabulous! I will certainly be asking for this again."

Van leaned forward to grab his cup off the tray. "Aunt Liesel? The guardians?"

She winked at him over another sip of coffee. "Of course..."

I took a deep breath as Van stretched his arm across the back of my chair. He must care for his godmother a lot for him to put on a show like this. She'd been the one asking to meet me, yet here he was acting rather protective. I understood that he wanted me to have a good relationship with Liesel, but the extra physical affection felt more like effort towards our own... friendship.

"You're doing it again," Van whispered, leaning close enough that the breath blew across my ear.

I flinched and took a drink of coffee. "Won't happen again. Sorry."

The Alphas' Legacy (Alpha Eyes: Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now