03 | Train ride

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By the time you reached the train station, wanting nothing but to get sleep and eat, your thoughts were all over the place and your stomach wouldn't stop rumbling

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By the time you reached the train station, wanting nothing but to get sleep and eat, your thoughts were all over the place and your stomach wouldn't stop rumbling.

You were certain you swallowed the monster— despite how crazy that sounds.

iIt may be embarassing to hear your upset tummy demand for food in public, but you could care less. The strangers giving you these stares hasn't even experienced the agonizing pain you went through. They wouldn't understand anyway.

After waiting patiently at the station, you finally get to board the train you usually rode home. You sat on a seat a few inches away from this dark-haired boy with a black dog beside him.

You raise a brow. Were dogs even allowed inside a train?

'Meh, not my problem.'

You sigh, body slumping and stomach continuing to rumble.

On the other hand..

Fushiguro Megumi was enjoying the peaceful train ride. Currently he's messaging an idiot and his senpai, Kugisaki and Maki. They're asking stuff like where is he and if their sensei was with him too. Of course, Kugisaki makes it look like she's only curious and not actually worried worried about the boy.

Fushiguro may not say it to them directly, but he appreciates it when the two worry about him.

..He just hopes they stop thinking he's not over itadoris death. They've only known eachother for weeks, same with kugisaki, so what was he supposed to do? mourn?

Fushigurou sighs, brows furrowing. He also doesn't know what he's feeling. It's only been a week without that idiot, but he sure  had a large impact on both Fushiguro and Kugisaki.

Just imagine— the boy whom recklessly put his life in danger and consumed a finger of the king of curses just to save Fushiguro. A kid he doesn't even know yet Itadori's willing to risk his life. And to add more salt to the wound, Itadori had his own heart pulled out by this demon.

How cruel can dealing with curses be? Apparently it may or may not cost a life of an innocent child; new to jujutsu and only starting to learn the basics.

Moving on..

Gojo, like the very reliable teacher that he is, sent Fushigurou back to the school after a mission ended earlier than expected.

He sighs. 'How is he a teacher?'

As he's about to surf through the internet after sending Maki one last message, the sound of someones stomach rumbling from beside him catches his attention.

Turning to glance at who made the sound, his blue irises caught the sight of you; extremely uncomfortable in your seat and sweating bullets. You were also a little dirty..

He would've ignored you and looked the other way if it wasn't for the cursed energy radiating from your body. It's strong, but it's still there.

This is odd.. Maybe bad. Should he say something? Should he atleast warn her?

Well it would be weird to just say..

"Hey miss, you reek of negative emotion! mind finding a therapist for that?"

..Or something along those lines.

If he were someone who likes getting into others personal business, Fushiguro would've asked if you were alright. Though that wasn't the case.

Even his shikigami noticed the cursed energy sitting a few inches away from its owner. It was staring at you.

He sighs. He has no choice. Making sure civilians don't create more curses are a part of being a sorcerer, right?

".. Miss?" Fushigurou calls while reaching for something in his pocket.

You raise your head, turning to the boy beside you who held his hand out.

He offered a baby blue handkerchief that he held in between his pointer finger and thumb.

You looked surprised, "U-Uhm..?"

Fushigurou avoids eyes contact, feeling extremely awkward, "You look uncomfortable. Oh, you're sweating too."

You sat silently before fixing your slumped posture. Was this boy being rude or was he being plain and honest?

"Thank you." You mutter, shyly taking the handkerchief before dabbing in onto your face.

Fushiguro watches for a few seconds before turning away— nervous and scared is what he's picking up. Well, there goes one of his belongings. At least he knew the cursed energy from earlier was definitely coming from you.

Before the both of you knew it, Fushiguro had already reached his stop.

"Uhm, aren't you going to take this? Sorry.. It must be filthy right now." you mutter the last part to yourself.

Fushiguro shakes his head, "Keep it."

You flash him a happy yet tired smile. He doesn't return it but instead nods at your direction.

"Stay safe, miss."


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