14 | Potential

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Your house is swarming with curses.

Your eyes widen and you nervously gulp. How and when did this happen? only a day has passed since you were out of the house.

You felt something fluffly brush againts both of your legs. You look down to see one large hound, an unfamiliar mark on it's head.

"L/N! Didn't i told you to stay close.. To me.." Fushiguro suddenly goes quiet, mirroring the shocked expression you had.

You then slowly close the door shut, leaving you to stare at Fushiguro.

"Did you see that?" you whisper, "Should we really continue?" you nervously avoid eye contact.

Fushiguro hesitates, "We came here for your stuff.." he continues, "And.. You said you were hungry, right?"

As if on cue, your stomach rumbles.

You sigh, "Are you sure i can.. Y'know." you struggled to ask.

You didn't know what to say. This is the first time you're bringing someone over to a house filled with the grosteque creatures, or cursed spirits based on the things Gojo had explained, that you've been consuming.

"I trust that you can. I already saw you do it once." he reassures you with an awkward pat on the shoulder.

He isn't great with interactions like this, but he'd try. Fushiguro isn't really the most expressive person and even he, himself, has troubles with understanding his own self and feelings.

With your situation, he can easily tell you're nervous and scared. Somehow like itadori with his first mission as a sorcerer, but Fushiguro can safely assume that you won't be loosing a hand or sacrificing your life.

"Okay." you smile.

Turning to the door, you sharply inhale before swinging it open. The large shikigami beside you is growling and ready to pounce on the curses.

But you were quicker.

Fushiguro would lie if he said seeing you rushing to a curse and aggresively start tearing it to shreds isn't sickening. This is definitely a sight he didn't want to see but what can he do? He's on this mission to help you.

He notices something weird after the first few minutes of helping you rid your living room of curses.

You're getting powerful.

It didn't take long for Fushiguro. Like the smart boy that he is, he already figured out what was happening and already had an assumption; the more you consume, the stronger your cursed energy gets.

It reminded him of the subject Gojo would teach in his class. A basic knowledge that a sorcerer should know—learning how curse energy works. Unlike a curse sucking the life out of a human, You're doing the same but the positions are switched.

You eat for cursed energy. Curses feed off humans negative energy.

"L/N! Is your stuff upstairs?"

The boy ask.

You come out from your kitchen with a bloody mouth and with your hands shaking. You seemed to have two sharp fangs which is poking at your bottom lip.

Fushiguro shivers in disgust. What the hell?!

"Yes!" you cough, "Should we go?" you ask before wiping your mouth with your sleeve.

"Yeah.." his shikigami is the first to rush up the stairs while fushiguro waits for you.

You stretch your limbs, "Somehow, i don't feel pathetic and start crying when Eat.."

"Is it because you're here?"

You blurt out, making a surprised fushiguro avoid eye contact with you. That's so sudden, and even you're shocked with what you said..

"I guess.." was his reply. He's well aware of the heat on his cheeks. Wow.. that got a reaction out of him— you probably didn't mean it in that way.

"Anyways.." you awkwardly chuckle, also noticing what you had said, "I'll lead the way."

He nods, motioning for you to stay close while he slowly crept up the flight of stairs. His demon dog is still sniffing around but they suddenly bark at one of the rooms.

You flinch, "Gosh that scared me." you place a hand over your heart.

Fushiguro spares you a glance.

"Is that your room?" he ask, gesturing to the room where his shikigami are barking.

"No." you answer, "It's actually beside it. Should i go get my stuff?"

He nods, "Make it quick. I'll see what's in the room next door."

You flash him a tiny smile, "okay."


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Maybe leaving him there was a bad idea.

While you were trying to shove everything you found valuable in a duffel bag you had, you suddenly heard a bang and a groan from the wall beside you.

Your eyes widened, "Fushiguro-san?!" you quickly slipped the almost full bag over your shoulder before running outside your room.

'I'll miss this house..' you bite your lip.

There's no time to feel sentimental right now, Fushiguro might be in danger!

You hurried over to the room beside yours and what you saw inside made you frown.

It's the same monster you saw on the night you went to the market. It was beating the shit out of Fushiguro while his demon dog began to pull out its limbs and eyes with their sharp teeth.

The boy is still standing, of course, but it seems like Fushiguro couldn't land a hit. Had the curse ambushed him?

"Y/N!" he shouts, "Run!"

You shake your head, "No way i'm leaving you here!"

Fushiguros eyes widen when he sees you drop of your duffel bag to the floor.

No, it wasn't the bag that shocked him..

it's your arm glowing blue from cursed energy.

it's your arm glowing blue from cursed energy

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