48 | A little bit of love

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[ this is the last part of the death
painting arc. after this chapters,
i'll be writing about the.. yeah..
manga stuff + shibuya arc

+ our trio and MC deserves
a short break before the next arc,
so expect something fluffy
in the next chapter ~ ]


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Seikatsu starts, clenching his fist.

"I can't.."


"Eh?" Y/N softly ask, confusion laced in her voice. even if sacrificing herself was a part of a plan that could've gone wrong, the girl didn't think it would work!

The visibly frustrated boy sighs, "This was supposed to be easy― kill you and let my technique eat and turn your body into cursed energy."

"But.. Seeing you so happy with your freinds.."

He never had that— atleast with his previous position, all friends he had were fakes. Even the tiniest moment of happiness would make Seikatsu desperate to experience more of it. To fully savor the feeling of what true joy would feel like.

What does it feel?

Happy that he got to help?

Happy about his revenge?

Seikatsu has no purpose here. He's a boy who ran away after murdering his family — with no other objective in mind but to end his suffering.

What should.. He do now?

The boy gulps.

"Hell, even when i killed your mom, i felt guilty.." he hesitates to continue, making Y/N advert her gaze, "Before she died, she told me to continue sending money to your house. Just like how she did when she was forced to go with father back to Kyoto."

The girl feels an ache in her heart.

"That's the reason i encountered you and that Itadori guy.. For months i've been―"


Seikatsu froze.

They both turn to where the voice was coming from. In the distance was Kugisaki and Itadori.

The dark haired boy turned to Y/N, the veins, arteries, and nerves in his right arm suddenly glowing and emitting cursed energy.

"Sorry. i don't think i have the energy to fight you three." Seikatsu mutters, a mouth appearing below him.

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