11 | Explanation

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"Enrolled here? J-Jujutsu?"

you're close to loosing your mind. You woke up only a few minutes ago and here you are, trying to understand whatever Gojo's trying to explain.

Apparently, you're going to be enrolled here at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School and trained. After a lengthy story-telling about what jujutsu is and what jujutsu sorcerers are, Gojo offered to teach you since you definitely have something going on.

You hesitated at first but what if he can help with your situation and hunger? What if things go better from here?

Should you trust them? Well.. Unlike the past six years, you're not alone now. You won't be dealing with your problems by yourself- you have Fushiguro, Kugisaki, and Gojo.

'Huh.. It seems like i still have hope..'

Your heart flutters. you feel relieved and somehow.. Happy in a way. You thought you were going to be stuck eating those curses before you die a slow death in your sleep.

While Gojo continues to explainin something about enrolling you as a student and the basics, you slowly lower your head down, biting your bottom lip.

"Eh? L/N?"

"What happened?"

While Kugisaki and Fushiguro starts to worry, Gojo chuckles with amusement evident in his tone. He smiles before placing a hand on your hair and ruffling them.

"Hey, did i say something wrong?" Gojo ask.

You're so emotional..

you sniffled, your fingers wiping away the tears escaping your eyes. You then say, "Nothing, Gojo-san.. i was just thinking about how nice everyone is."

He flashes you a smile, "Of course we are. We want to help you." he continues,

"So do you want to attend our school?"

He patiently waited for an answer- Similar to how a parent would do to a child who is hesitating to admit that they had done something wrong. Though behind Gojo's kind smile and question..

.. Is two closed curtain. Pick the right or wrong answer, and you're about to sign your life away. From here, everything would just get worse no matter what you pick. To leave is to prolong the suffering you're in but to stay meant forever living your life in fear of what you could possibly face in the future.

But.. you didn't know that. You didn't have to for now.

With no more hesitation, you answer him with a smile of your own.

"Alright, i guess." as if looking for affirmation, you turn to Kugisaki and Fushiguro.

The boy could only nod at you. The two are also happy there's now a new student join them. Since the room you're residing is Itadori's, the duo wonders if things would be the same with you like how it was when itadori was still alive.

Fushiguro decides not to compare you with the troublesome teen that had already passed. While Kugisaki wishes you don't die, she also hopes to get closer to you.

Gojo thinks your arrival would distract the two first years and possibly make them move on from Itadoris death- to not raise any more suspicion. The man's also excited to see what you have in store.

"So you have any parents, Y/N?" Gojo ask, "We need to ask for their permission first."

You smile, lightly clenching the bedsheets.

"No need to ask for it, Gojo-san. They're somewhere abroad." you reassure him, unsure of your answer since even you didn't know where they are.

Gojo raises a brow. It's not like you'd notice it behind his blindfold anyway. "Did you use to live alone before meeting us?"

You hum. "Yeah."

"I only have a weekly allowance. That's how i know they're still alive." you laugh before continuing, "I wish they'd visit me though."

"Oh" gojo says, "Very well. You'll be staying here for the rest of the year!" he cheers.

You tilt your head to the side, "Eh? I can't go back to get my stuff at home?"

"Ah, Fushiguro can do that for you! right, Megumi?" Gojo turns to the first year, eyes behind his blindfold directed to the boy.

The student sighs, "Do i have a choice?" he ask with a deadpan.

"Nope!" kugisaki snorts, glad she isn't involved.

"I can come with." you volunteered, grabbing their attention, "Uhm.. Unless you know where i live at?"

Fushiguro raises a brow before turning to Gojo,

"We do..?"

The only adult inside the room stands there with a odd yet innocent smile,

"We don't."

Damn it. As expected of the Gojo Satoru, of course. Being the man child that he is, he wouldn't tell where you live. No matter how much Fushiguro ask.

"Then it's settled!" Gojos smile widens. He turns to you.

"Get some rest, Y/N. You and Megumi will be leaving tomorrow!"

 You and Megumi will be leaving tomorrow!"

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woke up from a nap and saw 100+
reads :0

omg thank u for reading this
book !!! :D

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