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Sebastian and his friends found Olivier on the edge of the southernmost point of the Eldenarian Palace. Outside the walls of the city, which were guarded 24/7 by Eldai, laid a sparse set of grasslands that eventually ended in a series of craggy cliffs overlooking a gray ocean. Waves lapped up on the eroded cliff-face, sending sea spray and the overwhelming smell of salt into the air.

He cringed at the scent as he approached the temporary head of the Eldenarian Council. He stood at the edge of the precipice with another magician at his side; the two of them were casting a spell simultaneously, their arms and hands moving in complete unison. The faint, shimmering hue of a massive shield charm could be seen hovering a few feet ahead of them.

"What's he doing?" Sebastian asked as they got closer.

"They're beefing up the shield charms around the city," Ajax answered. "They're expecting an attack any day now."

He nodded. Fortifying the palace was essential to warding off any assault the Order of the Black Lotus would launch. But even he knew a shield charm, no matter how complex or strong, would keep the Shades out for long. They would find a way through.

They always found a way.

Upon reaching Olivier and his companion, Sebastian cleared his throat awkwardly.

Olivier turned and smiled at the group of teenagers. A thin coat of sweat could be seen on his skin. His chest rose and fell rapidly. Whatever magic he had been expending on the shield charm must have taken a lot out of him. Magicians from House Lumai were generally lightweavers.

Shield charms weren't their area of expertise.

Still, Olivier and his companion seemed to be doing a good job.

"What can I do for you all?" The man wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. He glanced at his companion before gesturing toward the palace walls. "You can go. We'll finish the final sector later."

They nodded, bowed, and then scurried off.

Sebastian took a peek at the shield charm before it faded back into obscurity. "You think that'll hold them?"

Olivier chuckled. "Not at all. But it will give us enough time to devise a plan to ward off their attack should it come."

"It will come," Ajax insisted. "And when it does, we have to be ready."

The man nodded. He arched an eyebrow at the group. "So, what can I do for you?" He lifted his head to the sun. "It's a bit early. I'm assuming you have something important to tell me."

"Yeah, actually," Remy said, "we do have something important to tell you." He nudged Siren. "Go on. Tell him about your idea."

"Right." Siren blushed. "Well, after Imogen brought up recruiting Solairs to help us fight, I figured we would need a way to get the word out. Then I remembered something my father—" Her voice faltered. Tears welled in her eyes at the mention of her father, Sirus Lombardi.

"It's okay." Ajax draped an arm around her and held her close to him. "It's alright."

Siren rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. A shuddering breath left her lips. The two of them had been spending a lot of time together since returning from Vashara. Sebastian figured the shared trauma of having both of their parents murdered by Thorian was enough to form a bond between the two.

Ajax's father and the previous head of House Brynjir, Achilles Washington, had been killed weeks ago in Hodvekt. Like Sirus, he died protecting Sebastian and the others. Had it not been for Achilles and Sirus, Sebastian wasn't sure if he would have even still been alive.

The Storm Tower | Vol.4, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now