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By Lumi's light, Ismael managed to nurse Han back to health. The weathermaster could barely walk and he constantly complained that his mouth tasted like ash, but it was enough to get them moving again.

Once day broke, they packed up their belongings, left their cave, and ventured back into the unforgiving snow. The frigid temperatures hadn't gotten any better. Makaela would've thought the sun would warm them, but it almost seemed like the opposite was happening.

She, Karin, and Han huddled closed together like cubs and Ismael was their papa bear. He led the way with the Andhis in hand. The cold didn't seem to be bothering him much. Then again, not much did.

Makaela staggered through the snow, her feet feeling more like cinderblocks than anything. It reached up to her calves, making every step harder than the last. The sweat beading on her forehead froze as soon as the icy air hit it. Every breath was like an assault on her poor lungs. She almost wanted to stop breathing. It wasn't like there was much oxygen up there anyways.

Grumbling under her breath, she tightened her hand around Karin's. The girl squeezed back and gave her a reassuring nod.

"We got this," the girl muttered, her voice muffled by the hood of her robes.

Makaela nodded begrudgingly. It certainly didn't feel like it.

They had been walking for a few hours now. The sun hung in the middle of the sky, beaming down on them like an observer, silently judging their movements and doing nothing to help them on their journey. She could barely feel its warmth. It might as well have been the moon.

To her side, Han struggled to keep up with her. She took his hand and gently pulled him along. They couldn't afford to stop again. There hadn't been any sign of Shades since they left the cave, but they could've been anywhere, lurking in the shadows like predators stalking their prey.

Makaela wasn't planning on being anyone's prey today.

Yama's death in Kimathanka wouldn't be in vain. They were going to find Lumi's tower and save the goddess. No stupid Shades—or Thorian, for that matter—would get in their way. She'd make sure of it this time.

While Ismael led the way, Makaela and Karin kept their heads on a constant swivel, scanning the mountain ridges looming over them on either side for enemies. They wouldn't be ambushed again.

"Are we even close to the thing?" Karin whined.

Ismael took another glance at the guide hidden within House Vaya's artifact. The miniature storm inside the orb opened, revealing the glowing map within. The monk peered at it with curious eyes and rubbed the top of his head. "Er, I'm not sure. Our map isn't exactly the easiest to follow."

Makaela screwed her face at the monk. "Wait a minute, so you don't even know if we're going the right way?"

He see-sawed his hand. "The map is vague, but we should be on the right track. I've been using the Andhis to track nearby storms—"

"Huh? Why are you tracking storms?" Karin asked.

"Hopefully it's so we can steer clear of them," Makaela added.

Ismael gave the girls a wry smile.

"Unfortunately, that is not the reason. The legends say Lumi's tower is located in the eye of a blizzard near the top of a mountain. If Madame Alizeh was right, then the tower is at the top of this mountain range. We need to find the blizzard and—"

"No." Fear stabbed at Makaela's heart once the realization set in. "No, we're not doing that." Her steps faltered a bit. Karin noticed this and turned around to scowl at her for halting their progress.

The Storm Tower | Vol.4, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now