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Sebastian admired how quickly the Arkangels were able to mobilize. In just a few hours, a convoy of about a dozen armored vehicles, each emblazoned with the signal of the hunters, were packed and ready to leave their base. The entire place was buzzing with anticipation as people moved about. Some stopped by their weaponsmith for new gear, others stocked up on supplies for the trip, and others zipped around trying their best to look busy in front of Jocasta.

As for Sebastian and his companions, they found themselves standing near a pickup truck with Imogen's cousin, Autumn.

"I can't believe you brought a magician and a werewolf here," the girl said as she leaned against the door of the truck. Kissing her teeth, she shook her head at Imogen. "You know you nearly got me kicked out of the Arkangels, right?"

"We would've been doing you a favor," Dorian grumbled.

"What was that, wolf?"

He flashed his red eyes at her.

Imogen shot them both a scathing look. "You two, cut it out. We're on the same side now, alright? Start acting like it."

Yeah, for now. Sebastian bit his tongue, though. He could assess the alliance with Jocasta and her dutiful goons later. The only thing that mattered was getting to Hodvekt and coming up with a strategy to defeat his father. The battlemages were all about strategy. War was practically their magical discipline. Instead, it was battlemagic, which might as well have been the same thing.

Sebastian glared at the flecks of mud decorating his boots. When the sunlight hit them in a certain way, a few of the specks almost looked like blood. He arched an eyebrow at one. Maybe it was.

Part of him wasn't looking forward to returning to Hodvekt. The last time he was there, Achilles had been murdered, his father reacquired the Obscurio, and half the town was set ablaze. Something told him the battlemages wouldn't be too happy to see him again—especially with a large battalion of Arkangels at his back.

He groaned.

Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all.

With his arms folded, he glanced around the camp again. The hunters were nearly finished loading everything up into their vehicles. His chest tightened.

It was too late to back out now.

Another half-hour passed. A hunter, wielding a rifle in one hand and a sword in the other, walked over to let them know it was time to go. The trio of magical troublemakers would be riding in Jocasta's transport. She requested it. Personally. The thought of sitting with the woman for hours in a moving vehicle made Sebastian nauseous.

"Everything okay?" Imogen attempted to slip his hand into hers.

"Er, yeah." He scratched the top of his head, pretending not to notice.

She tilted her head at him. He tried to meet her eyes but couldn't. Furrowing his brows, he half-turned away from her.

"Um, are you sure?"

He could hear the uncertainty in her voice.


He was hesitating. Why was he hesitating? Yesterday had been a good day for them. In fact, it was a great day. Nothing changed when he woke up early that morning. What was different now? He didn't know.

He faked a smile.

"Yeah, I'm good," he told her. "Just...feeling a little nervous."

Nodding, placed a hand on his arm. The buzzing in his head stopped. He hadn't even noticed the sound until it was gone. His eyes widened. She did that. A single touch from the girl had quieted his frantic mind. A layer of stress that had been coating his skin like an itchy film melted away. The kiss they shared in the tent replayed in his mind. The grin on his face was now a real one.

The Storm Tower | Vol.4, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now